#9 How to Build a Home Business ~ Inner Conflicts


Success in buSwirlforInnerConflictsiness building is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. If you have inner conflicts, you will continually take 2 steps forward and 3 steps back.

You’ve got to r
esolve your Inner Conflicts. Why do you keep saying that you want this? You have crystal clarity on why you want to do the business you chose, you have the tools and mentors and you’re still not getting it? There’s a conflict in you.

For example,

A. You say: “I’m totally committed to this” but you don’t follow through.
B. You have the mentor and tools and you’re still not getting it? There’s a conflict in you.
C. You want to be totally successful, but you’re afraid at some level that if you are totally successful, you will not be loved, you’ll be rejected.
D. You want to be in a position where you have total free time and you want to build a billion dollar enterprise! These are conflicts!
E. You really, truly know you have the tools and talents to make this happen, but a part of you doesn’t think you deserve to succeed…because of something you did at one point of your life, or something you made up…
F. Or you think making money and being successful economically is not spiritual, and you’re committed to being spiritual, yet the other part of you. . .

Do you see what I’m getting at?

It’s the inner conflicts between fighting parts. SO what do we do? Picture it like a Vault that we’ve got to Unlock.


1. IDENTIFY INNER CONFLICTS. Get clear on what they are. Otherwise you will be pulled in 2 different directions. You have to get clear on what’s most important to you today, not what you think you should do based on an old blueprint, an old belief system, your parents, society, your friends. Otherwise you’ll succeed and not be fulfilled.

One thing that really helps one identify inner conflicts is by reading and applying what you learn in the book, “Think and Grow Rich” by Napoleon Hill. As you write what you “got” out of each chapter each week and dig deeper, you will be amazed at how it helps you identify your fears, negative thinking and other things that may be holding you back. Once you identify them, you can work at replacing them with positive thinking and actions and start moving forward, unhindered.

2. ALIGN YOUR LIFE WITH WHAT YOU VALUE. What’s most important to you today? Writing down your reason “WHY” you want to do the business you chose helps you get clear on lining it up with what you truly value in life.

3. TAKE ACTION. You won’t even have to work hard at it! Do what you Love! When everything is in alignment (what you want and value and what you are doing to get it) there’s nothing pulling you away. BOOM! You GO for it! You become unstoppable! What’s going to happen? You’re going to achieve, succeed, and when you succeed, here’s what you can add to it ~ our Point #4: 

4. CELEBRATE! Contribute! Pay it FORWARD. Don’t pay it back. Take what you’ve learned and bring it to someone else. It continues that cycle of fulfillment, of joy, of meaning in your life.

Go on to #10 ~ “Napoleon Hill’s Proven Formula”

Or if you want to start with #1 of this Series, Click Here.

Loretta Helson

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