Master The Internet!


“It’s Just A Moment In Time When You DECIDE . . .
And Everything Changes”
~  Loretta Helson ~


Have you noticed the recent flood of Rags to Riches stories about people who struggled for years …UNTIL “something happened” and then everything Changed almost overnight for them?



They experienced their Own, Personal BREAKTHROUGH to Success!

So, What IS A Breakthrough?

A Breakthrough is “A Moment in Time” when the Impossible Becomes Possible.


When something happens that shapes you, that moves you.
Maybe you meet someone that inspires you.
Maybe it’s a tool or a strategy that you learn.
Maybe you finally get so fed up you won’t settle for the life that you have any more.


It’s When Something Inside You Clicks and Everything Changes.
You get to the “Tipping Point” where everything you learned FINALLY CLICKS!
You take massive action and you transform your life.


For each person, their Breakthrough was Different because we are all different and unique. No two stories are exactly the same, but they DO have a common thread, a pattern, some of the same key elements.

Everyone has to go through the PROCESS and when your daily, consistent actions compound over time, they bring you RESULTS. This is explained very well in Jeff Olson’s book, “The Slight Edge”.

Also sometimes we are just missing a piece of the puzzle, something is blocking us… and when we find it, we are Enlightened.

It’s as if a light bulb goes on in our heads.
As Oprah says, “We have an ‘Ah-Ha’ Moment”!

THAT is our Personal BREAKTHROUGH!
It is simply the CULMINATION of all the small steps we have taken
that lead up to this ONE MOMENT IN TIME – VICTORY!

It starts with a Shift in Thinking, a “Paradigm Shift”.


To Understand This Better, Please Watch This Short Video!


That Was Certainly a Paradigm SHIFT In Thinking, Wasn’t It?
Are You READY to Change Your Course?

Anthony Robbins  says:   “Success is not an accident. There are consistent, logical patterns of action and specific pathways to excellence that are
within reach of all of us.”

Yes, we need to MASTER THE INTERNET in 3 Specific Categories:
Mindset – Marketing – Mentoring


You can Experience Your Own
by Mastering the Internet!

Let Us Help You Build Your Home Business!



Here are 3 Keys that are Needed First:


A. Know WHAT You Want
Focus on WHAT YOU WANT, the results, the outcome you want.

B. Know WHY You Want It
Know WHY that’s important to you. The reason WHY you are working so hard has to come from deep within you.

C. Take Consistent, Daily Action
Only after you do these 2 steps in A and B, can you figure out the ACTIONS you need to take to get you there.

STEP 2: Get the Education, Training and Skills You Need
Just a doctor needs an education, training and skills before practicing, to become a Professional in ANY field or business, we need education, training and skills. But a Doctor has 8 years of schooling (or more) and graduates with only the certificate to set up a practice.

With internet marketing, we make money online. We can actually create a LIFESTYLE that we WANT. We can earn WHILE we learn and at the end of 8 years, could be making more than a Doctor’s income! 🙂

STEP 3: Work Closely With Your Coach, Mentor and Team
No one can build a business by themselves. We each need a coach, a mentor and a Team.
Now I KNOW it doesn’t have to take years to get into action and to start making a really good income online when you connect with other successful people, learn what they do and implement it.

In this crazy up-side-down economy, I really care about people and want the BEST for them. I believe anyone can learn how to create an income online, develop simple skills and become a better person through the process, having more to give to others!

You just have to be Ready…

If you’re not there yet, you’re probably closer to success than you realize!

To Learn How to Build Your Home Business email me and let’s get together so that you can Break Through to Your OWN Personal Success to start living the life you REALLY want.

Be sure to visit the Categories on the right – and Enjoy!

Transforming Lives,

Loretta Helson


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