#4 – How To Build A Home Business – You CAN Do It!

You CAN Do It!


No matter where you are right now in your life, you have the power within in you to take charge of your life. You can make your life any way you want it! You can take action. You can decide. You can do it. 


If you look at this sentence carefully, you will notice that it actually contains 4 different points depending on which word you emphasize. They are ALL critically important for your success! Let’s break down each word together:


This denotes that you actually have to believe in yourself, in your abilities and in the power within yourself. You cannot rely on someone else to get you to your goals in life. This is your own personal journey, your successes, your life! No one else can live your life for you.


Hidden within this word, CAN, is your innate BELIEF, in your heart and very being – you KNOW that you are are ABLE to accomplish what you set out to do. Can, combined with YOU means you have the ability. You must believe that you have the ability to accomplish what you set out to do.

There are 2 parts to this concept of “CAN” – Belief and Abilities.

Belief could be based on falsehoods or misconceptions. You may be viewing yourself incorrectly. Your beliefs must be based on truth, facts and honesty. Be willing to acknowledge wrong beliefs, erase them and replace them with correct beliefs. You must view yourself as you really are. Don’t hang on to wrong beliefs and things that hurt you. They do not serve your best interests. Continually TEST OUT your belief system. If you do not have a strong belief level, you must work on yourself first before you can accomplish your goals toward a Quality Life.

You see, the concept of “CAN” involves your mindset and attitude, your core beliefs, your strengths and your self-esteem, how you view yourself and the task ahead of you. Many books have been written about these important qualities because they are at the core of your success, keys, if you will, for unlocking the greatness that you have within yourself.

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'A positive mind finds a way it can be done; a negative mind looks for all the ways it can't be done. SPHERE QUOTES Napoleon Hill'

Part 2 is your abilities: If you truly don’t have the abilities that you need to accomplish what you want, then you need to take a few more steps before you can reach your goals. You will need to gain the abilities needed to accomplish your set task. These steps may include getting more knowledge, training, skill sets for your own personal growth before you CAN do it. The good news is, these are available.


This is one of the most important words in the equation, because DO is a verb, an action word. If you DO NOT DO anything or do the wrong activities, you will not accomplish what you want in life. You must TAKE ACTION.


“IT” is what you want to accomplish. The goal, the life you picture for yourself and your loved ones. IT is what will truly give you deep satisfaction and a sense of well-being. IT will cause you to have an extreme contentedness, a wonderfully clear conscience, knowing that you are doing what you should with your life, you have a life full of purpose and love, the life you truly value and treasure. Your life is full of happiness, fun and accomplishment.

Doesn’t this phrase mean a lot more to you now? Read it again, 4 times, each time hitting a different word and notice how the meaning changes.

This bares repeating. As I said before, no matter where you are right now in your life, you have the power within in you to take charge of your life. You can make your life any way you want it! You can take action. You can decide. You can do it. You simply need to know HOW.

Come see how we are doing it!

NOTE: If you still don’t feel that you can do it, don’t worry. Maybe you haven’t had success yet and you’re doubting your abilities. Maybe as a result, you lack confidence. You probably just need training on mindset and methods of marketing effectively. “Knowledge throws fear outside.” Contact me for help.

CLICK HERE for #5 “S.M.A.R.T Pleasurable Goals”

***NOTE: To start at the beginning of the SERIES – #1 Go Here!
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Until next time. . .
Loretta Helson


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