#10 ~ How to Build a Home Business ~ Napoleon Hill’s Proven Formula

 The Proven Formula For Success

Napoleon Hill interviewed over 500 self-made millionaires and compiled his findings in the legendary book, Think and Grow Rich.

Through his years of extensive research, going to those who had various backgrounds, none of them with extensive schooling and all starting with nothing, he Discovered a Formula For Financial Success that is simple to learn and holds in it the answer to your struggles.

If you haven’t read “Think and Grow Rich” I strongly advise you to do it as soon as possible. And don’t just read it fast. Take your time, highlight in yellow and underline with ink! Write in the margins! (I purchased the hard-cover edition so that I had a more permanent copy to write my notes in as I STUDIED it.)

Yes, don’t just read it lightly. Study it.


APPLY it in your own life!

Get this whole collection of books – FREE!
*Another FREE Gem!  🙂

This profound financial formula can help you create the lifestyle you are desiring… but as anything else in life, YOU are the one that will put the POWER behind it.

No matter where you find yourself in life, no matter what your circumstances, YOU can change it to whatever you want.

That’s an enormous statement but I believe it to be true.

The reason most people do not attain what they want…well, there are many, but the most prominent one…

is that they don’t STICK to ONE THING, FOCUS on it, taking daily, consistent, persistent Action UNTIL they attain it…

(See my article on “Time and The Slight Edge“)

As Napoleon Hill says,
“…All who succeed in life get off to a bad start and pass through many heartbreaking struggles before they ‘arrive’. The turning point in the lives of those who succeed usually comes at the moment of some crisis, through which they are introduced to their ‘other selves’.”

Quite simply, most people just quit too soon! As he says, they “Quit 3 feet from the GOLD!”
(An important little side thought here: You will need Tools and Experienced Guides to strike Gold!)

So, please dear reader, take this to heart:
Decide what you want and where you’re going.

The Proven Formula For Success

1. Discover WHO you really are.

Now, start by taking a good, hard look at YOURSELF in the mirror.

What do you see?

Who are you? What are your likes and dislikes? What are your strengths and weaknesses? What makes you unique from every other person on the planet? What makes you the same as others?

Discover WHO you really are.
What DRIVES you? It comes from deep within…not from repeating words over and over out loud until you convince yourself… You ALREADY have what you need INSIDE you! You just have to learn how to USE it!

2. You have to be CRYSTAL CLEAR, knowing EXACTLY What you WANT.
You and you alone can decide what you want in life. You have the ability, unlike the animals, to think, ponder, desire, believe, and act on that desire and belief. To do that however, you have to be crystal CLEAR, knowing exactly what you want.

Once you know what that is…

3. Create a Burning Desire for it.
An unstoppable, relentless craving for it… so important that no one and nothing will pull you away from your focus on it until you attain it. It is undeniable how strong this will make you. Your decision will be made. Your path will be laid. Your vision will be crystal clear. Your life will have a new meaning and you will have the drive you need to get you to your desired lifestyle.

4. You MUST believe in yourself and in your idea before you can attain it.
I used to like being the ‘follower’, just sitting back and listening to what others taught… following leaders. I never thought of myself as a leader. The word alone made me nervous! That’s a lot of responsibility! But really, a leader is just someone who learned something and shared it, taught it to others. They just step out of their comfort zone and begin GIVING BACK to the world.


Now putting it into that framework, I understood. That should be everyone’s goal. After all, good leaders were just good followers! Now we need to GIVE generously of ourselves, our talents and abilities. Others will benefit if we open up and help them. I won’t quote Zig Ziglar… I’m sure it’s running through your mind right now! Oh, ok. . . for those who aren’t familiar with Zig Ziglar, he said, “If you help enough other people get what they want, you will get what you want.”

Besides belief in yourself, you also need to have belief in what you are promoting. If you believe what you have and are offering others will benefit them, only then can you speak with CONVICTION. Belief is paramount to your success. If people hear doubt in your voice, they will not believe you. You need to be 100% committed to your project and convinced beyond all doubt that you can help someone else with it.

5. Make a DECISION to get what you want.

Create Your Life.
You are the Designer.
You alone CHOOSE.
You can make it a reality.

I’m glad you asked! That takes us to the next point:

6.  Create a Plan of Action and Take Action!

e Your Personal MAP that is my personal acronym for “My Action Plan”

“Begin with the end in view”, as the late Jim Rohn used to say. Then you can work backwards to figure out exactly what steps you need to take to get you there. Break them down into perhaps yearly, monthly, weekly, daily activities…so you will stay on track. Monitor your progress.

7. Be Persistent and Consistent.
Let NOTHING Stop You From Attaining The Lifestyle You Desire!
You must be persistent. Persist UNTIL you attain it! Daily, consistent actions will compound over time, bringing you the desired results. …. From Jeff Olson’s “The Slight Edge”

8. Persist UNTIL you get RESULTS.


Persist UNTIL… Never, ever, ever, ever, ever quit
Persist UNTIL you get RESULTS.

You can Make a Difference and, as Tony Robbins says, “Live With Passion”! One way to achieve your desired lifestyle is by helping other people to do the same. Let’s get together to take this discussion to the next level….

Go to #11 Activity Or Accomplishment

Or to start with #1 of this Series, click here.

Yours in Mastery,
Loretta Helson

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8 Responses to "#10 ~ How to Build a Home Business ~ Napoleon Hill’s Proven Formula"

  • Walter Liew says:
    • Loretta says:
  • Lucy Bieri says:
    • Loretta says:
  • Zhakezhi says:
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