Facebook Group Advertising Not Getting Results?


Facebook Group Advertising Done Right – Get Results!


Are you posting  in facebook groups, but realizing that you facebook group advertising is NOT attracting people, they are NOT clicking on your link, and you’re NOT getting the results you want? After all those HOURS of posting…. all that time wasted!

Here are some questions to consider. As Tony Robbins says, if you want better answers, ask better questions!

Why Isn’t Your Facebook Group Advertising Getting Results?
CAN Facebook Group Advertising work? If it can, how?

Yes, I was mentored and taught to write a blog with VALUABLE content and then post it in 100 groups a day….

Also have to be careful to only post about 10 at a time.. and then wait about 1/2 hour, post to another 10 and so on.. to avoid posting too many, too fast, and get thrown into Facebook “Jail”!

Before we go on, talking about facebook group advertising, I just want to take a moment and talk about Facebook Jail. Facebook will ban you from certain privileges if you do some things they don’t like! (So silly – FB has too much power in my opinion!)


Here’s 5 things to Avoid Facebook Jail

1. Sending messages to people you don’t know
2. Using a facebook feature too fast
3. Requesting friend that you don’t know
4. Copy/Pasting multiple posts on different pages
5. URL banned


It’s funny. . . I just taught one member of my team to use this method, but at the same time told her that facebook group advertising has not gotten ONE lead for me!  A light bulb went off in my head.  The question is: How can you stand out above all the others, offer what other group members what they really want to KNOW …  so that they ACTUALLY click on your link?

Why Isn’t Your Facebook Group Advertising Getting Results?

Everybody I know, who uses facebook groups for advertising, both love and hate it! To me, I see these groups as huge approved advertising spam-fests!  I’m sure you agree –  there’s an onslaught of ads that flow through those groups 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.  People just post their ads and run! Do they take the time to read or click on any of the others? NO! Then why do people think that using facebook group advertising works?

If you’re like me, you see the value of posting in those groups and know that the traffic flowing through those groups is MASSIVE. But you also know that most people are ignoring what you are sharing.

Fortunately there’s a simple solution to that problem that will help you generate more leads, and sign ups into you program or  business.

How can you STAND OUT from the Crowd and BE NOTICED?

Most people who are using these groups to promote their business are missing out on an enormous opportunity to connect with people who have the drive and motivation to be a fantastic marketer and valuable asset to your team.

When you stand out and do what others aren’t doing, people who see that you are doing things differently will want to find out what you’re all about. Facebook group advertising is a great place to attract quality business connections when you have the right content.

Here’s 4 TIPS to Stand Out when Doing Facebook Group Advertising:

1. KNOW YOUR TARGET MARKET. Get into their heads. What do THEY want?
You can attract the right people if you are solving a problem they have or answering a burning question they want to know about.  Make your ad so compelling  or such an IRRESISTIBLE OFFER that when they GLANCE at your post, they just HAVE to click on it because of curiosity!

2. Be CONGRUENT! Once they click, be sure to be CONGRUENT and follow through with your promise to deliver the solution to their problem or answer to their burning question!

3. Continue to BUILD the RELATIONSHIP you started. Once they clicked and you delivered what you promised, start to build your relationship with them. This can be done numerous ways… Have them opt in for more information so they are on your email list and will continue to receive VALUABLE information from you.

4. Begin with the end in view (Jim Rohn) Remember the purpose of reaching out to others.
Instead of blasting ads all the time, try sharing quality blog posts and videos that give people an opportunity to find out what you’re about, connect with you and determine if you’re someone they would like to work with.

This is the way to set yourself apart, attract more experienced marketers, and establish yourself as a leader who is here to serve others.

Here’s another helpful training on How to Get Leads From Facebook.

I hope these tips helped.

If you enjoyed this post, please share with others and comment below. 🙂


Happy marketing,

Loretta Helson





Loretta Helson

Meet Me On Facebook







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