My Story

Welcome, my friends. . .


Just by landing here, that tells me that you are a very interesting person, one who cares about people and life, a person who is looking for MORE … I was once just like you . . . searching for a way to increase my income, take control of my life and live a life of purpose, satisfaction and fulfillment.


My name is Loretta Helson.  I have been in network marketing since the early 90’s (not counting Amway in the mid 70’s for a few months!)  and I’ve been online marketing since August, 2006.  It was a long process, but I’ve finally found my mentors and what works.


Before I go on, let me give you a little background of where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing!


I’ve always believed that you should do what  you love and love what you do. With that basic core belief, I was not about to settle for a 9-5, dead-end 40-year drudgery for MY life. Time is life! So I knew I wanted to spend my life with a definite purpose and doing things that would bring me a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment and bring JOY to others.


Besides all the little jobs I had as a youth, baby sitting, lemonade stand, and then working at Walgreens and JC Penny’s temporarily.. . as I hit my early 20’s, whatever interested me, I turned into a business!  I repaired expensive porcelain bisque dolls,  (like the French Jumeau pictured on the right), taught ballroom dancing and did various entrepreneurial home parties.. Tupperware, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Jewels by Park Lane . . .well, you get the idea!



After I got married in 1975 to David, the love of my life, we purchased an Indian jewelry and gift store. That only lasted a couple years because the recession hit in ’79 and we started our family.  By the time we had our second son, we had to close shop.


One of the types of gifts we carried were “The Little People” dolls. They were large hand-made cloth dolls and no two were the same, just like real people! 🙂

Xavier Roberts Sitting in

Here’s a photo of Xavier Roberts, the creator of these treasures! I absolutely loved them!  As the years went by, he sold out to Coleco Toy Company and they started manufacturing them with vinyl heads, called the Cabbage Patch Kids.  Even so, children LOVED them and they were really hard to find in the stores, which caused a buying FRENZY in 1980! (the year we closed our store!)

Being the entrepreneur that I am, I started playing around with my sewing machine and came up with some cute soft-sculptured cloth dolls with yarn hair and painted eyes. They were so good but uniquely my own pattern, that Xavier actually sent me a cease and desist order and tried to sue me! I proved the many ways mine were unique and he didn’t pursue it because he knew he would lose! . . . that took a few months of researching and for a while, I felt like an attorney! LOlittlepeoplepinkL


My husband and I went to Marshall Field’s, downtown Chicago and talked with the Toy Dept buyer. I pulled one doll after another out of my bag and told the story that went with them… They were discovered, bubbling up from ‘the fountain of youths’ on a “Lil Younga Island!”  I had a map, story, health certificate… the works! Marshall Fields’ buyer purchased $1,000. worth of them on the spot!


I continued doing doll shows and fairs for 10 years. They sold really well, but it really was a hobby and labor of love.  It was labor intensive. To make that really pay off, I would have had to set up a manufacturing plant overseas and I wasn’t ready to make that move.

We needed a real income because now we had 4 sons!

Bird-RedHeadedGouldian One day, my youngest son and I were looking around at a pet shop and noticed some sweet zebra finches, so I bought a pair. A few days later, we noticed eggs! Well, that’s all it took! Yep!  Watching those little eggs hatch and the parents feed and nurture them made me fall in love with birds!

Within months, I had all 4 walls of a spare bedroom filled from floor to ceiling with cages of
all kinds of finches, including my favorites, Australian Gouldians  (See photo) plus color bred and American singing canaries. It was wonderful waking up to the sound of all those singing birds! 🙂

We started breeding various colors of gouldian finches and got yellow backs and blues that were Gorgeous and even a SILVER… actually Pure White – and we even won 8th place in the Nationals (Bird Fair)


Wow… do you know me yet?  Hahhahha Are you enjoying this?  I hope so!


Oh, I forgot to tell you. . . I DID work for a rather large office supply company in the fax order entry department. You know what? At first it was fun. Then as each month, week, day, hour, minute ticked by, I felt my life passing by, unfruitful, wasting away. I called it ZOMBIE-LAND!  (^L^)  It was sucking the life right out of me. Like the walking dead! UGH!
I couldn’t stand it much longer…



It inspired me to make this ad later on in my journey:


Oh, ahhhahhahha   lololol   are you laughing and rolling on the floor like I am right now?

Tony Robbins - 5 Tips to survive the economy

So on every break and lunch period, I listened to Tony Robbins’ cassette tapes (Yes, cassettes.. I’m old!!) called “Personal Power II“.  I was studying to get out of  Zombie-Land!  I remember sitting in that big old lunch room, and I’d have my headset on, taking notes… I’d laugh out loud and others were wondering what I was doing!

A few years ago, I ran into a former co-worker and she said she thought I was learning something for a promotion  in the company!  She was close… I wanted a promotion in my OWN company!

Here’s a video that really shows how I feel about working for someone ELSE! Enjoy.. it’s only 3 minutes!

ILoveLife “If you say that getting the money is the most important thing… you will spend your life, completely wasting your time. You’ll be doing things you don’t like doing in order to go on living, that is, to go on doing things you don’t like doing . . .

Which Is STUPID!”

Do you feel the same way?

If you do, you have that crazy entrepreneurial spirit and I want to meet you!  🙂

Life goes on. . . and I wanted to lose some weight… so I went over to Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating where they make fresh food and deliver it right to your door… 2 days a week, 21 meals and you just warm them up in the microwave and eat. Easy portion control. So I asked while I was placing my first order, entrepreneur that I am… “What does it take to have a distributorship?”  He answered, “just a couple coolers and 200 square foot area minimum!”

“No start up fee??”
” Nope!”

“ALRIGHT!! I’m IN!!”


So from then on, every lunch period and break (at Boise, my fax order entry job), I was making arrangements to set up my OWN Seattle Sutton’s Healthy Eating Distributorship! Yes, I didn’t have a dime, and somehow I just DID IT! I can’t even tell you HOW I did it!  I was having trouble finding a place to rent that would hold coolers and be in a good location for a decent price. After a while, I gave up on it. I LET IT GO! * This is KEY! *

And then, out of the blue, the realtor called and asked me if I was still looking for a place… she said that she has a very small office available for $250/month!! WoW! It all fell into place!

Needless to say, I jumped on it and my dream came alive again! I ran that successful distributorship for 4 years (Jan. 2001-Jan 2005) and then sold it to another distributor who was taking the profits off the top because they were located too close to mine!

And that’s ok, because during the last 2 years while I was doing Seattle Sutton’s, I was also attending seminars on Real Estate, foreclosures, buying property to fix up and flip, and lease options, etc. After I sold Seattle Sutton’s, my oldest son and I pursued lease options for 4 years and had quite an education doing it! We did alright in it… Of course the timing was really bad.

You know what happened… in 2008 the economy took a dive…

THAT’S when I came online . . . people were losing their jobs, their savings, their homes were in foreclosure, marriages were feeling the strain and a number of large trends were converging.


I KNEW the internet was the Gateway to the Future.

No longer feeling that jobs were secure, tired of working to build someone else’s fortune.. people started coming on to the internet by the droves looking for a way to “live above circumstance”, take control of their own lives, and start working for themselves.


You probably know by now that I don’t just sit back and wait for things to happen. When I discover something that interests me, I jump in with both feet and create an income with it!

Whether you’re brand new to internet marketing or you’ve got 20+ years of experience . . . whether you’ve never sponsored a single person or you have a team of 10,000+ . . . or whether you’re currently part of the 90’s of networkers who still make less than $10 bucks a week or if you’re a multiple 6-figure earner and have been for years . . .


I can help you take it to the next level.
This is what I do. I help people make money online!
So YOU Can Live the LIFE You WANT!

This is the adventure of my life now.

I have been online since 2006 – not just 2 hours a day… but FULL TIME… Actually, not even 8 hours a DAY.. but more like burning the candle at both ends! Yes, I was putting in the time and studying at Internet COLLEGE! LOL I was sitting in webinars, taking notes and applying what I learned, buying many, many courses, eBooks, and programs, systems, trainings..


I’ve spent my 10,000 hours needed to MASTER this beast called the Internet!

marketingsystem Now, I can help you drastically reduce your learning curve by pointing you to what works, so you won’t have to risk your money and spend the time in trial and error, like I did!








Isn’t it YOUR Turn?

Master the Internet and Change Your Life!

It no longer has to take years to get into action and to start creating a life-changing income. I believe anyone can learn how to create an income online, develop simple skills and become a better person through the process, having more to give to others.


Remember: When you give VALUE to others and help them, that’s when you will start seeing the results you want and will be able to live the life you want.


If you’re not there yet, you’re probably closer to success than you realize!

If you have any questions, email me –  and let’s chat! I’d love to connect with you and see where you are, where you want to be and  and show you how to get there.

Work With Loretta









Break Through to Success!


Live Better,

Loretta Helson


~ Learn ~ Apply ~ Teach ~












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