1- Why Brand Yourself?

Why Is It So Important To Brand Yourself 

Instead of a Business?



When people decide to come online looking for a way to make money from home, they usually start by finding a business or affiliate program to promote. As they continue researching, they find there are dozens, if not hundreds of ways to make money online. Eventually, they will finally see that after trial and error, after spending hundreds of hours and wasting tons of money, businesses fold up!

“I fully endorse multiple income streams..Finding congruent business opportunities and working them as part of a portfolio of opportunities under the banner of your own brand is in my opinion a great way to build a sustainable long term business…The businesses must be congruent though and each business adds more value to the next as a package..”  ~ Steve Lawson, Co-Owner of MNU

I will also add that having additional Tools and Training that compliments those businesses creates a Win/Win!

The internet is actually relatively new in the scheme of things. But it’s coming out of infancy and into puberty! More and more businesses are finding out that coming online increases their bottom line! Many people are discovering that the 40-year plan of working ’til retirement no longer works! Don’t count on EVER getting that gold watch!

At the same time, the internet keeps growing and changing. Maybe you have just come online to check it out… even if you’re a seasoned professional, you’ll realize the following:

Internet Marketing Has Changed:

From Chasing People to Attracting People

From Dropping Links to Communicating

From Selling to Helping People

From Building a List to Building Relationships

From Chasing Money to Giving Value

From Simply Advertising to Targeting our Market

From Promoting Products/Businesses/Services to Branding Ourselves


People Join PEOPLE, Not Companies

Companies come and go. If you set up a blog promoting ONE business, and it disappears, all your hard work is gone! POOF!  However, if you build on a strong foundation from the beginning, branding Yourself instead and bring VALUE to the marketplace, helping others, people will join YOU and buy products you recommend. If a company goes away, you are still here!

You, Inc. is secure!  You can even leave a legacy for your children and grandchildren!

Build your online brand. If you do it right, it will continue bringing in leads and sales on auto-pilot.


Some Reasons Why You Should Brand YOU

* Unfortunately, businesses don’t always last, but you do!
* You are able to create loyal followers
* You are able to create relationship with these followers 24/7
* People do business with people who they know, like and trust
* People are looking for a Leader who has the ability to guide them to what they want.
* You can do business anywhere with just your laptop and a connection!

Remember: “Everyone moves through this process at their OWN pace.”


Note: You do not have to set this all up PERFECTLY. Your brand will evolve
and grow as YOU do! You are able to change it as time goes on.

10 Steps to Laying A Strong FOUNDATION to Brand Yourself

1.  Use Your Real Name – So people can get to know YOU

2.  Figure out a tagline for your blog title, naming Features and Benefits you offer

3.  Figure out what colors you want to brand yourself.

4.  What do you specialize in?  Try to paint the picture of what others want.
Does your opportunity offer them freedom? Time for family, travel, etc?
Or do you have a weight loss product that will make them feel good, look good,
help their self-esteem so they can do more with their lives?
You can change this as you go – it’s not written in stone!

5.  Think about who is your Target Market, your IDEAL CLIENT, and what do THEY want/need?
What keeps them up at night? What are they struggling with? What answers do they need? What problems do they have that you can offer the solution for?


6.  What do you want to be known for?
The go-to person for >>> fill in the blank!
… creating income from home (recommend the biz you’re in)
…  for blogging
… for getting on the first page of google!
… for generating your own targeted traffic, leads and income!
OR … The fitness guru!

7.  How do you stand OUT above other people and companies?
Know what makes you better and work on it constantly.

8.  What are your core governing values? I have another post that goes
much deeper into this to help you determine what’s important to you.
You can put your values in your About Me page. . . for example I love to
teach people how to work from home and live the life they really want.

9.  What is your Personal Story? Can others RELATE to you and your journey? I actually called my About Me page, “My Story”! This is where you can start building relationships while you sleep!
open book
Here is where people can start getting to know the REAL you. Share your Mission and Values and what you’re all about! Share the pain and struggles you went through and how you found the answers (a biz) . . .and how you can help other people with it.

10.  Always make sure that your offers are relevant to your main brand and target market.

These are the foundation stones to build upon… however, things can change as you grow and mature your business and your brand. So this doesn’t have to be perfect. Keep it as an outline to follow and refer back to it as you continue building your business and helping others.

As you continue on your journey, you don’t have to be perfect. In fact, I want you to be YOURSELF! Be Real!  People will be attracted to who you really are! Since you are UNIQUE and there is NO OTHER PERSON ON EARTH the same as you – Be Yourself and you will STAND OUT among the rest!



The more you are the REAL you, the more fun you’ll have! You don’t have to PRETEND you’re something that you’re not. You don’t have to be flashy. Just Be You. People who are like you, will be naturally attracted to you. As you continue interacting with others, you’ll have fun working alongside people who are ‘just like you’! 🙂

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’til next time. . .

Yours in Mastery,

Hugs, kittyhug16
Helping You Grow and Succeed


Loretta Helson




Loretta Helson
Meet Me On Facebook


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