Your View of Money Matters!

Your View of Money Matters!

Brian Tracy is known by most people because he is one of the top success experts in the world, a motivation speaker, sales trainer and best-selling author.

The other day, Brian posted a GREAT QUESTION on his Facebook page. He asked:

Would you rather
Find true love or 10 million dollars?

Before we get into this, the reason I think it’s such an interesting question, is because the answer says a lot about your mindset when it comes to wealth and abundance.

It certainly stirred up a lot of BUZZ because when I took a look at it again, there were over 600 comments. Glancing over the comments, I would say that well over 95% chose

… Money OVER Love!

And that is really SAD!

Because to most people, it doesn’t even occur that…
You Can Have BOTH!

You can live life on your OWN terms.

I know the question was asked to pick only one, but someone who has a REAL abundance mentality would NEVER pick one or the other.

This subject is so important that I wanted to write a blog about it. . .
because s
o many people suffer from the LACK and SCARCITY mentality.

This is one of the most important subjects you need to understand in order to have the success you want in life and in business. Your view of money really matters.

Many people overlook personal development… maybe they don’t want to examine themselves, or feel that it’s ‘airy fairy’ and not real. I assure you that this is the FIRST thing you want to examine if you want to be successful in business. . . because, like it or not, it DOES all depend on YOU and what is between your 2 ears!

I have to tell you, that it wasn’t until about 7 years ago, (2005) that I really even thought about this. At that time I had been doing my business for about 10 years and I was taught to build a library, to read every day, to STUDY the industry and so I was pretty much inundated with all the self help books you and audios you can possibly imagine.

And that’s when I read this little treasure called
“Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind” by T. Harv Eker.

It’s a really eye-opening book which I highly recommend for ANYONE who wants to create wealth. It had such great insights that I just picked it up again and began re-reading it to refresh my memory and see how many of the principles I was applying.

You see, he talks about the 17 wealth principles, which he calls…

The Wealth Files:
17 Ways Rich People THINK And ACT Differently
From Poor And Middle-Class

They are a combination of attitudes, beliefs and thought processes we hold about a number of things, as it relates to money. The psychology within it’s pages helped me to make a mental shift in how I think.

Anyway, one of these Wealth Files he talks about is…

Rich People Think: “BOTH”
Poor People Think: “Either/Or”

You see, most people have a scarcity mentality based on the programming they received from a very young age.

Their parents may have said, “You can’t have that. It’s too expensive.” or “We can’t afford that. Put it back.” or “Money doesn’t grow on trees” . . . and other similar phrases that get programmed into their subconscious mind and it plays back throughout their life without them even realizing where it’s coming from. It actually becomes an ingrained belief.

Some people believe that ALL wealthy people in the world did something unethical to make their fortune. They equate wealth with things like being “Filthy rich”, underhanded, and deceptive. They reason, (incorrectly) how could you possibly make money AND be a person of integrity at the same time? ….. And, sadly, they couldn’t be farther from the truth.

* Their mind tends to think … scarcity, lack, limitation, not enough.
* They think there’s not enough money to go around.
* They think you have to sacrifice your family life to get ahead.

Rich people think differently.
They don’t think either/or.

They think…


Why not have your cake and eat it too?

These people live in the world of abundance and plenty.

They know that if they want something, they have to go and get it.
That reminds me of the movie, “The Pursuit of HappYness”, with Will Smith…
that shows what can result when one has a great desire to make it happen.

Here’s a clip:

“You want something? Go get it. Period!”

Can you have a good family and lots of money?
Of course, you just have to work hard at BOTH.

Can you spend more time with your kids, while building a successful business?
Yes, if you manage your time and make both a priority.

When we were first married, we purchased an Indian jewelry/gift store… yes, brick and mortar and we also had our first child… 10 months old. We put a lot of hours into the business, and although I always made time for my family, the truth was, I made my business more of a priority for a period of time.

But then when our second son came along, something clicked. I wanted to be home with my sons and raise them. Time was flying by . . . and I’ll never get that time back with them.

So what was I to choose?

I wasn’t going to get a 9 to 5 J.O.B. (it’s just not in my DNA to work anyone) and that would create the same problem I was trying to solve! I still wanted to spend plenty of time with my family and enjoy them especially while they were little. This is time that you NEVER get back. I wanted to STAY HOME and raise my children.

Although I had no idea of how I was going to do it,

I made up my mind that I wanted BOTH.

Among other things, this was a major driving force that led me to discover the world of online marketing. You see, I needed to change something to have BOTH.

You know how people say, “I’d rather be happy than have a lot of money.”
That Is The DUMBEST Thing In The World!
Why couldn’t you be happy AND have money?

I agree money doesn’t buy happiness, but neither does poverty.
If you’re a happy person, then you’ll be even happier with more money.

Now, let me ask you a question:
Are there areas in your life where you feel like you’re sacrificing one thing for another? Does it make you feel like you can only have one?

As I said before, we choose our own lifestyle.

What’s that you say? You don’t have enough money to be able to create Your quality life?
You feel you are limited because everything takes money and you don’t have enough?

This subject is turning up Everywhere lately! The worsening economy, unstable stock market, the all-time high in home foreclosures, and the outsourcing of jobs and job layoffs are painting a pretty gloomy future for many. Perhaps you’ve been adversely affected by some of these things. I understand. I feel your pain.

Just don’t let the lack of money become your excuse for settling for less.

I would challenge that belief and tell you to reexamine your thought process behind it and see how you can creatively come up with a solution to have both.

Because it’s all in your thinking.
If you think lack and scarcity, that’s exactly what you’ll get.
And if you think abundance, then you will have abundance.

Is it easy? No, not at all. Not when the world and everyone else around you says YOU CAN’T.

You really have to work hard on your thinking, attitudes, beliefs AND actions to have it all.

But the good news is you absolutely CAN.

Have a great day and go for it,




P.S. If you find this helpful, please like and share this post and feel free to leave your thoughts on this.

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