You Have to Have Both

You have to have BOTH…

To Create A Successful Online Business



Before I tell you what they are, can you list them?

Knowing and implementing what I’m about to reveal to you is imperative to your success. The 2 things you need in order to create a successful online business are Mastering Marketing and Mastering Mindset.  But there is a third part of this equation that is equally as important…

If you have one or two pieces, but don’t have the third one, you greatly decrease your chances of success.


Let’s get started!

There’s a delicate balance between learning the mechanics – the HOW-TO’s of Marketing – and Mastering the MINDSET needed behind it all.

We need BOTH.

I once had a sponsor who would “encourage me” to set up more appointments for a one-on-one online presentation. I got busy and called everyone I knew, asking them to listen to a presentation that I’m practicing in my new business.. and I set up a lot of appointments.

But, of course, everyone runs into the same problem, and I eventually ran out of people in my warm market to call.  At that time, I didn’t have a CLUE as to how to FIND my target market online.

So she would say things like:
“Just run faster!”
“Just DO It!”
“If you want it bad enough you will do whatever it takes.”

“Pretend your baby is hanging off a cliff about to fall to her death.
She will be saved only if you find 3 new distributors before the 30th
of the month. Would you find the 3 distributors?”

These were, of course, all meant to HELP me.. but in reality, they
only made me feel worse and, yes, I even wanted to stop, yes,
the dreaded 4-letter word: QUIT!

Instead of inspiring me… they made me angry! They made me feel
like a loser… They made me start questioning myself:

If others were able to do this, why can’t I?
What’s wrong with ME?
My self-esteem suffered.
My self-worth was in question.

During one phone call with my sponsor who was really
pushing me hard with some of those phrases above…
I actually broke down and cried.

I was stuck… struggling,  frustrated, and angry.


 I would be Screaming on the inside…

“Just tell me WHAT TO DO,

and HOW TO DO IT, and I’LL DO IT!”


If you didn’t know how to swim, and the instructor said to you,
“Just Do It!” how would THAT help you, especially when you’re
struggling to stay afloat?

What you need is to learn HOW to swim…

It just wasn’t the time for ‘philosophy’!
I needed to learn HOW to find prospects and connect with them.

When a trainer doesn’t know what to do to produce consistent results
or how to train that which produces consistent results,
then the trainers often lean to inspiration instead of “in the trenches”
solid how-to training.

Bottom line, I think you will agree with me that we DO need training
on HOW to market and a Daily Action Plan to get the results we want.

Once you understand that, being able to do the following determines
whether you float through life like a jellyfish (which has no ability to propel itself)
totally dependent on the currents of the water – or


1. Correctly set a goal
(so you don’t chase something you don’t really want).

2. Correctly plan what to do to achieve that goal.

3. Correctly break down that plan into steps.

4, Take action and persist until you get it.

5. Then decide on another thing you want and get that.

And decide on another thing you want, and get that.

You repeat that cycle over and over getting the things you want.

Now, this will sound totally counter-intuitive, but there’s just as strong an argument for the OTHER needed part of this equation, namely, PROPER MINDSET.


One of the most successful internet marketers I know, one of my
favorite mentors, Ray Higdon, taught this at his event
this past week, called Top Earners Academy LIVE 2014…
so please pay attention.

“You can  Take MASSIVE Action and learn and implement
ALL the marketing methods, prospecting, inviting, presenting,
following up, answering their questions and objections, closing
and training them to duplicate… and yet…

If you don’t have the PROPER MINDSET, none of that will matter and you won’t ever get the results you want.”


You see, you have to have BOTH!

You need to learn HOW to do the marketing effectively.
You also need to learn how to have the Proper Mindset.

Only once you have those 2 things MASTERED,
can you go on to build a large team that duplicates.

But there is ALSO a very important 3rd component to this equation.

This is the reason why 99% of entrepreneurs fail, in my opinion.

Like 3 legs of a stool, you need to MASTER 3 things before you will build a successful online business:


1. Master MARKETING – The How-To’s3-leg-stool

2. Master MINDSET – The most important of all

3. Master LEADERSHIP – Team Duplication




Your heart is the “seat of motivation”.

If you come from your authentic self, and have a genuine PASSION for what you do, you LOVE what you do, and you really enjoy helping OTHERS, your business will be based on the strongest emotion, LOVE.

“Love never fails.”

Your business needs a strong foundation.

When you have these 3 legs, you will become UNSTOPPABLE!

Master these 3 areas of your business and you will be able to practically write your own paychecks!


You will learn how to master all 3 of these critical areas of your business (and life) when you join my Mastery Team.

I invite you to do that right now, if you’re ready.

Just email me and let’s talk!


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