What’s the BEST way to learn something new?

What’s the BEST way to learn something new?


Think back to your school days… where they had
you dabble a little bit in each subject.

All day long, you would do a little English
and then take out your Science book…

Then you did some Math, and after lunch,
it was time for History!

Then you are given tests on each subject.

When you dabble a little in each subject,
it’s actually much harder to learn…

Tony Robbins, one of my all-time favorite mentors
coaches how to learn something new by using
a different method.

He calls it:



Yes, when you want learn something new,
totally be immersed in the ONE subject.

When I wanted to learn about better
communication skills, I purchased every
book and course I could get my hands on,
and read them all together in a short
period of time.

Totally immerse yourself in learning ONE subject.
Be totally CONSUMED by it!
Make it an OBSESSION for a while!

You know what happens when you Immerse
yourself in ONE subject?

Your brain makes connections that it
wouldn’t have otherwise. You actually
start understanding it better, and on
a much deeper level.

Your brain will be creating much stronger
neuro pathways, because the new points
you are learning connect up, so the pathways
get stronger and the subject becomes
much easier to understand and to USE.

You can read a book (on the subject you
want to learn) and get an entire
DECADE worth of learning in a DAY!

Imagine how much you can learn by
immersing yourself in ONE subject
for a while!

That’s all for today,

Keep on learning – and USING it!

Loretta Helson
Meet Me On Facebook



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