#13 ~ How to Build a Home Business ~ What Are Your Daily Rituals?

What Are Your Daily Rituals?

Hot Tips to Help You Produce More Results, Faster!

Years ago, I was listening to Tony Robbins’ Personal Power program
and he mentioned the word, “Rituals”…

I thought to myself… that’s a weird word to use…
It’s usually used in religious activities.

… Maybe he meant to say, “Habits”…

Crooked Old Polaroid Film Blanks Hanging on a Rope Held By Clothespins on Blue Background

But today, I just got off a Wake Up Call and April was talking about
getting organized and being more productive with your time.

Once again, she used the word “Rituals”.
So instead of guessing, this time I looked it up in the dictionary!

Both definitions were correct.
The one that Tony and April were talking about was the
second one listed…. not religious rituals or ceremonies.

It’s really POWERFUL!

Rituals: “Always done in the SAME WAY each time.”

They become HABITS.

This is really a Golden NUGGET when applied.
Now think about that for a moment –

Do YOU always do each thing in the same way?

If you do, you can get a LOT more productive in LESS time!

While Building Your Business!

The first tip I have to help you is to

Get Organized!

Entrepreneurs often get caught up in being pulled
in many different directions.

They work from home and their families may not
recognize that when they’re in their home OFFICE,
they are Working!

“Mess Creates Stress”

The first thing you’ll want to do is to
create an Office Space that is uncluttered,

file things away, and keep them accessible.

You will be surprised how much more you
can accomplish and how your mind will
clear, once your space is clear!

Now that you have a clear space,
take 10 minutes each evening and

Each Evening, SCRIPT Your Next Day

It’s imperative for people who work from home
to create boundaries, to create CHUNKS of time
to get income-producing activities DONE.

What will help immensely to do this is to
“Script our day”… hourly.

Use only ONE Calendar, whether that be
a Google calendar, a daily planner, a desk calendar
or a planner pad (Which I LOVE, pictured below)

You can get yours at www.plannerpads.com


If you use too many calendars, you will be
entering everything into each one, and will
probably have some appointments fall
through the cracks!

Make a list of the activities you need to
accomplish and BLOCK OUT those hours

that for each activity.

Know EXACTLY what you need to be doing
and when and stick to it as much as possible.
– You’ll be able to LIVE your LIFE!
– You’ll avoid burn-out from being always on-call!
– You’ll become more valuable to your team
because you set boundaries and have a schedule.

Work 90 Minutes and Take a 10-Minute Break

Studies prove that we produce more when we take breaks.

This is how you avoid burn-out and get your “second-wind”!

Get Laser Focused

When you are ready to get to work,
shut everything off and get LASER FOCUSED!

No phone… no instagram… no notifications…
No facebook (unless you’re using it to market.
Close it all down!

Don’t let ANYTHING distract you from 
your pre-determined daily goals.

Set Deadlines to get each activity DONE.

Create a DAILY Progress Report

Track your results so that you can look back
and see exactly how far you’ve come.

It will become very motivating and encouraging!

CELEBRATE your Victories!

Be sure to reward yourself !!

A dinner out, a vacation, some jewelry!
Or whatever makes YOU happy!

So, what are YOUR Daily Rituals?
Do YOU always do each thing in the same way?

How would your business shift if you were to do the
same activities the same way every day?

What if you could apply this rule of Rituals,
to your communication skills?

What if you learned how to talk with people
with the SAME words, the same way,
every time?

How much EASIER would it be to not have
to THINK SO HARD when talking with others? 🙂

I believe CONSISTENCY is another KEY to Success.

What activities have YOU determined
to do each day, the same way
to get the Results you want?

I hope you enjoyed this post.
If you did, please like, comment below, and/or share the love. 🙂

You are making Progress!  Go on to #14 “Developing a Millionaire Mindset”

Or to start at #1 of this Series, click here.

Loretta Helson

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