Time Management and The Slight Edge

Time Management and


Time is one ofcompgirlhappy1 our most precious assets.

Have you ever noticed that some people earn $10,000 a year while other people earn one million dollars a year? . . . Yet they both have only 24 hours a day!

“The only difference between a rich person and poor person is how they use their time.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki


Would you like to know how to build your business more effectively?

KNOWING what actions you need to take to bring you the results you want is your first step. Once you know that, here is a principle that you can start to apply immediately, taken from the book, “The Slight Edge: Secret to a Successful Life” by Jeff Olson.

It is a Simple, but Powerful Concept:

Daily, Consistent Actions Compound Over Time
Bringing You The Desired Results.


I would rather see you work 30 minutes a day, consistently, than 8 hours all in one day and then nothing for a week. When you do a little each day, consistently, momentum builds up and compounds over time. Oh, you won’t notice it right away, perhaps not even for a couple months. But then, all of a sudden, WHAM! All the work you’ve done accumulates and brings you results.


Here’s a couple true life examples of “the Slight Edge” principle we observe in nature:

bambooThe Bamboo Plant
If you plant a bamboo seedling and give it proper

water, sunlight and nourishment in the first year
there will be no growth at all other than a tiny
little sprout.

During the second year, to your amazement, nothing.

The third year, nothing. You look around at all the other plants
and wonder what’s wrong with this thing?

After four years of constant attention… still nothing.

Except for a tiny sprout, your bamboo tree is
no bigger than it was the first year.

But then the fifth year comes around and when the
bamboo tree finally does decide to grow, what
happens in the next 4-6 weeks will astound you.

The tiny sprout you diligently cared for will grow
as much as 3 feet in a single DAY until it reaches
as high as 90 feet.

How can this be?

While the bamboo may not have appeared to be growing
at all during those first four years, it was growing
below ground the entire time, developing miles of
its massive network of roots, which would help propel
its rapid growth in year five.

This is what many people from the outside looking in
would call “overnight success.”

Developing yourself and your business is very similar.

You have to lay the foundation first before you see
big tangible results. Develop a massive network of roots!

There are many crucial skill sets you have to develop
as an entrepreneur before receiving the results you want.


waterhyacinth4The Water Hyacinth
It’s kind of like a lily flower that floats on water.
So picture a pond with a little flower floating on it.

Look at how it spreads out over a 30-day period:

On the first day, you will hardly even be able to see it. Actually, for a few weeks, you will have to really search hard to find it.

On day 15, it will start covering about one 12 inch square of the pond.

On the twentieth day (2/3 of the way to the end of the month),
it grows into a dense little patch of floating foliage,
about the size of a small mattress.

On day 29, one-half of the pond’s surface will be covered
by this gorgeous display of delicate flowers.


The entire pond will be covered by a blanket of water hyacinth.
You won’t see any water at all!


Would you like a CHART to Track your Daily Activities?



The next logical question is:
What are the Proper Activities that will bring the results you seek?

Contact me and let’s talk!

’til next time . . .

Hugs, kittyhug13

Loretta Helson
HUGS: “Helping You Grow & Succeed”


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