The Story of the Magic Pebbles


The Story of the Magic Pebbles

by Jim Rohn

Long ago, there lived in the mountains of Tibet, a nomadic people,
who were preparing to retire for the night, when suddenly
there appeared a dazzling light in the sky,
which descended, until it completely surrounded them.

The nomadic people immediately recognized that they were
in the presence of Primordial Wisdom. And so they sat attentively,
awaiting whatever incredible message would surely be forthcoming.

Finally, out of the light, there came a voice,

“My friends, gather as many pebbles as you can. Put them into your saddle bags, your coat pockets and your travel chests, and then travel one day’s journey toward the East. Tomorrow night will find you happy and sad.”

With that, the celestial being departed, leaving the people somewhat
frustrated and grumbling.

“Surely the great being would have had a more important message for us…
the secret to prosperity, or a better life…
some treasure or great revelation…
not this absurd menial task that made no sense at all!”

But as they retired, believing that there might have been something
to what the great Primordial Wisdom being said,
each of them picked up a few pebbles, putting them in their pockets,
all the while voicing their displeasure.

And so it was that, like most other days, they traveled a day’s journey,
and as they began to encamp for the night,
they discovered that each of the pebbles had turned into a diamond!

Indeed they were happy to see this good fortune and miraculous gift,
and they were likewise sad that they only picked up a couple pebbles.

End of Story

I picked out 3 main lessons….

This story highlights so well, some of the main reasons
why so many people fail to get the results they want.

The dis-empowerment of having the wrong perspective,
a negativity attitude and lack of belief.

1. They have the wrong perspective or mindset.

2. They grumble and complain instead of being positive.

Napoleon Hill said in “Think and Grow Rich”
that “the presence of a single negative in your
conscious mind is sufficient to destroy all chances
of constructive aid from your subconscious mind.”

3. Their belief level is very low or even worse, non-existent…

They say to themselves:
“I’ll TRY it for a while..and if it doesn’t work, try something else.”
So they set themselves up for failure from the beginning!
They create their own self-fulfilling prophecies.

It doesn’t work because they don’t believe it will!
Then when it doesn’t work, they “proved it!”
and they say: “See, I told you it wouldn’t work!”

so that they can continue to be right (in their own mind)!

“If you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!”

So what type of person are You?
Do you have the opposite traits from those people?

How many pebbles will you pick up?
When will YOU start?

If you’re ready,
here’s your first “sparkling” pebble . . .



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Yours in Mastery,

Loretta Helson




Loretta Helson
“Helping You Build Your Business with TLC”

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