The Secret to Living a Life Without Limits



Do you want ultimate freedom?

Then know and embrace this Secret
(By Brian Finale – with some editing by Loretta)


The verdict is in my friend…

Your thoughts are more powerful than you can ever imagine, and there is a universal law at play whether you like it or not.

The law doesn’t care if you do or don’t believe in it… it doesn’t care if you acknowledge it… nor does it care if you even know it exists. This universal law is at work 24×7 even as you are reading this blog post.

The law is this:

Your Thoughts Create Your Reality.

Your thoughts create how you feel, and how you feel determines the quality of your life.

I like to think of thoughts like a boomerang… when you train your mind to seek opportunity, to always look for the good in situations, or when you do a good deed for another human being, you’ve put that out in the universe and it will come back to you ten-fold. It may not be today, it may not be in the next 6 months, but it will most definitely come back to you (just like a boomerang).

The coolest part is that you are NOT your thoughts, and you can learn to direct and control your focus and your thoughts to Be, Do, Have, Create, and Give ANYTHING you want in life.

YOU are in control.

Once you realize that you are the creator of your reality and there literally are NO limits in life, then you become unstoppable.

In my opinion, THE #1 most powerful thought & feeling that will have the most impact on your life is this:

Choose to BE GRATEFUL.

Stop looking at all the stuff you don’t have, and start focusing on all the incredible abundance and blessings around you.

You have to stand guard at the gateway to your mind, and guard it like a hawk. Choose to only let in emotions and thoughts that will serve you, and move you closer toward your goals.

* GRATITUDE is one of the best possible things you can force your brain to seek out and embrace if you want to enjoy your time on this planet and build a wildly profitable business.

Flooding your brain with GRATITUDE for at least 10 minutes a day will radically change your emotional state and get you in ACTION mode versus ‘depressed’ mode.

In fact, it’s impossible to even feel depressed if you are consciously deciding to focus on being grateful for what you do have!

You are a miracle. You are so blessed. You have all the abundance and and money in your life that you are committed to making… it is on it’s way IF you can rewire your brain to FOCUS on being grateful, which in turn will keep you in ACTION mode!

Some simple things you can feel GRATEFUL for even if you’re flat broke and your back is against the wall…

You have clean water.

You have access to the internet.

You have a computer and / or a smart phone.

You can read.

You have nourishment to survive.

You are still alive.

You must condition and re-wire your brain for success. This was a PIVOTAL ah-ha moment for me personally when I started a decade ago flat broke… My mentor started teaching me how the most successful people on the planet directed their thoughts to attract and create the life they want.

Take a moment to truly be THANKFUL for all that you have been blessed with.

Train your mind to search for things that you can be GRATEFUL for. The moment you begin to flood your brain and body with GRATITUDE, the universe will begin to go to work on your behalf to attract MORE of this in your life.

You may not have $1Million in the bank. You may not have the life you want right now. But it’s coming…

Keep the faith, keep your mind focused on the the person you wish to become, be that person NOW, flood your body with pure GRATITUDE for at least 10 minutes per day, and watch what begins to show up in your life… it’s absolutely incredible what is on the horizon for you IF you embrace this law.

Love. Joy. Passion. GRATITUDE… these are emotions and characteristics of the wealthiest men and women on the planet. And these are just a DECISION away!

If you are ‘broke’ right now, YOU NEED TO HEAR THIS MESSAGE MOST! Go take a walk in the middle of the day… Go hug your child… Go admire the beauty that is all around you and look at what you DO have because I can guarantee you it’s more than what 97% of the people on this planet have.

Hold these emotions near and dear to your heart, and force your body and brain to feel them daily… your conscious vibration will then bring more of this into your life thanks to this universal law, and you will begin to experience ‘ultimate freedom’ both personally and financially.

You have greatness inside of you.

NEVER forget that. Our Mastery community is here as your rock & foundation… to keep you on track as you discover more and more about yourself on your path to a life without limits.

The world is waiting for your message… Step up, and commit 100%… Flood your body with Gratitude on a daily basis, and everything you want in life will begin to ‘magically’ appear IF you use these emotions to fuel, inspire, and motivate you to GET INTO and STAY IN ACTION MODE!

We believe in you. You can do this. You are meant to have everything you want in life, and more…

Get back to what matters most today, take a moment to reflect and GIVE THANKS.

START TO FLOOD YOUR BODY WITH GRATITUDE FOR 10 MINUTES PER DAY… <<< WILL YOU ACCEPT THIS CHALLENGE FOR THE NEXT 7 DAYS?! (WARNING: if you do, you will fall in love with this process and your life will never be the same :)

This is a secret of the most successful people on the planet. And now you have access to it…

The only question is, will you decide to give yourself this gift of GRATITUDE for 10 minutes per day?

After a decade of practicing this on a daily basis, I’m living proof that this is a strategy that can create wealth beyond your wildest dreams just like it has for me… Give yourself this gift.

Now go be with your family & loved ones today… create memories you will keep forever, and cherish the time with those who are most important to you… life’s too short for anything less.

As insightful and life-changing as this information can become to you,
I must add that the Key that Unlocks the Door to your Future
is having a Plan of Action and taking consistent, Daily Action
to make it happen.

As Napoleon Hill said over 100 times in his book, “Think and Grow Rich”, revealing the results of interviewing over 500 financially successful men and women of his time, there IS a Formula for Success that each of them KNEW and put into ACTION.

You can read more about that here:


Much Love & Gratitude on this pivotal day,

and the Mastery Team


P.S. To learn how to Master the Internet,




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