The Flea and the Fly

The FLEA and the FLY

A Better Way!

Here’s 2 little stories that I love to relate:
One is about a flea and the other one is about a fly!
I guess I like to “bug” people! 😉

There was a fly
sitting on a windowsill that wanted to fly freely outside. He could see what he wanted out there. So up he flew but he hit the window, banging his head! “OW,” he would cry! Over and over again he tried. OW! …OW! … OW!” he would say each time he hit the window and sometimes he hit his head so hard that he fell to the windowsill in a daze.

He’d shake his dizzy little head a moment and fly up and try again and again! No matter how hard he tried, no matter how persistent he was, he just kept banging his head until finally he fell and died on the windowsill…..

If only he had KNOWN that there was an open door to the outside just a few steps away in the other direction.

The moral of the story:
Are you wearing yourself out, getting nowhere in life?
No matter how persistent you are at a dead-end job,
will it lead you to the life you desire or is it a shut window?
Stop banging your head!!

**Why not go the other direction?** It’s really only a few steps away.


fleaNow, Here’s The Flea Story:

Yeah, he bangs his head, too!…but there’s a very happy ending to this one!
Curious thing about fleas. They can be trained! There was a flea in a closed glass jar. Every time he would jump up he would hit his head on the lid. “OW! That hurts!” Then he’d do it again. Ow! Ow! Ow!

…Well you know what they say about pain and pleasure. People will do more to avoid pain than to get pleasure. So eventually to AVOID the pain, he would jump just short of the lid so he didn’t hit it. After a while, the jar is opened up and the fleas stay inside, even though they are able to jump out.

The moral of the story:

** LOOK UP!! THERE IS NO LID! There are no limits! **

Your earning potential is Unlimited in this Industry.
Is your job putting a lid on your earning potential and limiting what you can do in life?

Why not Look Up?

The rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer. The middle class is disappearing! They are STRUGGLING. I’m here to tell you that THERE IS A BETTER WAY! Let’s face it, the definition of insanity is “continuing to do the same things over and over and over again and expecting different results!” (like the fly!)


So, What is your Plan B?
Contact me and let’s talk!


… ’til Next Time …


Hugs, kittyhug16

HUGS: “Helping You Grow & Succeed”

Loretta Helson

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