4 – Know What You Really Want

4 – What Do You REALLY Want?

“From My Heart to Yours” Series


What Do You Really Want

Alright, last time we talked about knowing who you are and living according to your core governing values.
“Always Be Yourself”

In fact, it’s important to work harder on yourself than your business at first.

Now we are going to talk about the kind of life you want….

You have to become CRYSTAL CLEAR on what you want and write it down in complete detail.

Use all 5 senses.
See your house.. walk inside and  enjoy the aroma of freshly brewed coffee and the flowers sitting on the kitchen counter….

Feel the luxurious fiber of your couch as you sit down to enjoy
your coffee.

Feel the breeze coming in off the deck and look beyond it to see
the ocean off in the distance.

Paint a picture in your mind,
yes, visualize the life you want to live.

Once you know exactly how you want to live,
it’s important to know WHY you want it.

Make sure it’s not someone ELSE’S dream.
Make sure it’s what YOU want.

Discovering WHY you want WHAT you want
is a little harder than knowing who you are.

Because it forces us to take a close look at
why we were put on this beautiful planet,
and to ask: “what is the purpose of life?”
Why am I here?

We know, deep inside, that there is
something much bigger than ourselves.
This planet was prepared for a reason,
with a purpose.

So your reason “why” you want the type
of life you create – goes very deep into
your beliefs. It has to be a reason
much BIGGER than just yourself,
outside of yourself.

When your goals go beyond yourself,
and reach out to helping others,
making a difference,
and changing the lives of others,
your WHY will carry you through
the roughest times…

You will stay the course.

Your life will have meaning,
significance and satisfaction…

Happiness and Joy.

So, think about your reason for
learning this industry and reaching
your goals… and creating an
amazing life.

You have to have a very strong
WHY in order to keep going…

Now that you know who you are,
what you want and why you want it….

You will need to learn some skillsets to get you there.
Developing SKILLS are needed so you’ll be able to give more
value to the world.

As you continuing learning the how you see yourself
skills you need, your self-confidence
will build.

As your confidence builds,
your self-esteem will build.

Once you have the skills you need,
the self confidence and self-esteem
you need, you will start to Believe
in yourself.

These are all crucial to your success.

So, BE yourself.
Know what you want and why.
Develop the skills you need.

When you do this, your self-confidence
and self-esteem will grow and you will
begin to believe in yourself.

These are foundational principles
you need to build on.

’til next time…


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