Have You Fished in the LinkedIN Pond Yet?

Have You Fished in the LinkedIN Pond Yet?


If you haven’t, you’re missing out on a LOT of fish that want what you have to offer them!

LinkedIn Statistics

– There are over 350 million users on LinkedIn (107 million in the US)

– 40% of their users check LinkedIn daily

– There are 1.5 Million LinkedIn groups

– 1 out of 3 professionals on the planet are on LinkedIn


It’s a great place to cast your net if you’re looking for people to join your business or buy your product!




The first thing you’ll want to do is set up your profile correctly.

Make sure you have a keyword in your title, like home business, and some results you have gotten so people will WANT to follow you, contact you, get to know you, and maybe even work with you!





Be sure to fill out as much information on your profile as you can. LinkedIN will like you and rate you higher! People will also be able to get to know you at a glance, and you will ATTRACT like-minded people.

Another way to target your market – and catch the TYPE OF FISH you WANT
is to use the Search feature. Go to the Advanced search so that you can narrow
down your demographics and reach just the right type of fish!





You can use keyword search, location, and even pick the industry so that you can find just who you are looking for, to connect with!




So as you can clearly see, LinkedIN is a great fishing hole because you can target just the people you want to connect with!

If you’d like to learn more about using LinkedIN to build your business and sell more products, check this out!

How To Generate 100 Leads In 14 Days On LinkedIn
Generate Leads Using LinkedIN

I hope you enjoyed these tips and start using them today!

If you like this post, please share it with others, like and comment below!

Yours in mastery,



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