Growing a Popular Blog

Creating Content


Part 1:

===>It Will Take Time

Thousands upon thousands of blogs are created every day. However, just a few of them actually become popular. The hopes and dreams slowly wither and die of the owners of the rest of them.

It’s important to understand that your blog isn’t going to become an overnight success.

Unless you are you a celebrity or billionaire. . . of course people follow what they’re up to so they are able to achieve overnight success. Even for a successful internet marketers, like me, it takes long time to build that momentum of followers.

A few years ago I was really struggling in my business, was generating few leads and didn’t really know what I was doing.

I had an auto-responder and loved creating my own capture pages, but I also realized that having a website floating out in cyber space all alone was not going to do it!

So I purchased my own domain name, got hosting and learned how to install a wordpress blog. Then I worked day and night blogging away. I heard on a training that as long as I had keywords that were being searched in my title and throughout my post it would rank in the search engines and I would “GET” traffic…

…What a waste of time that was!

Hardly any traffic. . . So I searched the web, learned a lot of marketing methods and finally found out how to get Great results.

===> Here’s how:

First, like I said at the outset, you have to realize that it will be slow in the beginning. Unless you somehow get to appear on a TV show or get some other insane amount of exposure, it’s going to be a very slow and gradual process.

If you’re looking for secrets, the truth is, there really aren’t any. This is what I learned. This is the KEY:

Growing a popular blog is about creating amazing content, true value, subjects that many people are craving for, and then promoting it.

===>Why do so many blogs fail?

They all seem like re-hashed articles… have the same lame content, no hook or edge over competitors and most of the time, no personality. They’re down right boring!

If your content is the same old stuff on the net, people won’t visit or return, comment or share and your blog will just sit there, lonely in cyberspace!

===> Here Are Some TIPS To ATTRACT People To Your Blog:

1. Write with your readers in mind. Get THEIR mindset first.

Ask: What do my readers need and want? Find out their problem and offer the solution. Find out their questions…. write from their standpoint..and answer their questions. Find their need and fill it. Find their pain and offer them the answer to it… the pleasure!

2. Be unique! Stand out as different, refreshing.

Ask: Is my blog worth reading? Would you be looking forward to the next blog post if you were reading your blog? Does it give you so much content and value that you hate to miss the next one?

Your content has got to be helpful to the reader, full of ideas, tips, strategies, new angles, inspiration, humor.

A GOLDEN NUGGET:It needs to create an experience for your reader and “appeal to the greater self.” It should encourage them to be more than they are and to grow, to experience more of life, etc.

3. Be yourself and write with YOUR own personality.

I’m sure you’ve heard this many times because it’s important and true: “People need to know, like and trust you before they do business with you.”

So, make sure your readers get to know who you are. Your personality needs to shine through. The more you can relate to people who are reading your blog, the more they will like you…

4. Record videos

so they can actually see you TODAY and see your body language to see that you are a REAL person! Have pictures of yourself, talk informally and tell stories about your life. People LOVE true life experiences – and as you tell your stories, they can relate. People THINK in pictures.. so use your words to paint pictures in their minds.

5. Create an “About Me” Page

Did you know that about 30% of all people click on the about page? If people recognize the personality flowing through your words, they’ll realize there’s a person behind your posts and want to know more about you. Create your “About” page. Talk about yourself A LOT. It’s really the only page where you can go crazy!

6. Create a “Contact Me” Page

This is very important so that people will realize that there’s a real person behind your blog. And… it allows your readers to contact you when they want to.

Be very friendly by inviting people by saying something like:

“Feel free to contact me, ask me any questions you may have, and let’s get to know each other,” etc.

Try to create unique, quality, valuable content on a weekly basis at a minimum. If you really want to accelerate your blog’s growth you need to blog daily.

Part 2: Market Your Blog

Now this brings me to the second part of the equation:

Marketing your blog and bringing targeted visitors to your posts.

There really are a million and one ways to bring life to your blog. But I’m going to talk about the 3 main ones that will help explode any blog: Social Media and Blog Commenting.Optimization.

1. Social Media

Social Media stands out above every other strategy because it is probably the fastest way to bring readers to your blog. It’s set up as a fast way to communicate with friends and other networkers.

Just by posting your BLOG LINK on Facebook you might bring in a few dozen visitors… Job done! If they like what they read, it might even go viral as they share YOUR blog with THEIR friends!

To get started with social media you can start sharing your blog posts here:

* Facebook

* Twitter

* LinkedIn

* Google Plus

Also share them on any other social networks you may be a part of. There are hundreds of social networks!

Next, create a dedicated Twitter account and work on building up your followers.

Get a Facebook fan page and invite your friends to LIKE it.

Continue growing your networks and you’ll get more traffic when you share your posts.

2. Blog Commenting

This is a super easy strategy that even a child could do. Just read the top 10-20 blogs in your niche and leave comments on them. In your comments you’re allowed to leave a link to your blog. When the blog’s other readers look at the comments, they’ll see yours and click through to your blog. Blog commenting is great for building backlinks, driving traffic and getting true exposure in the blogosphere.

There is a THIRD way to get your blog out in front of your Target Market. It’s SEO, Search Engine Optimization. Don’t let the name scare you. It’s easy… and I have a simple little checklist of just 6 things to do on each blog to get it rated high on Google! But I’ll leave that for next time.

I hope you enjoyed the info here. If you did, please leave a comment and I’ll comment on YOUR blog!  🙂



Loretta Helson






Loretta Helson

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