Got Anything Good?

Got Anything Good?

(Or How to Make Money Offering People What They WANT!)

#1 You Have To Have Something of VALUE That Others WANT in order to sell it and create an income stream.

Write this down: “It’s EASY to sell things that people WANT!”
It’s even easier to sell things that people want when you give them an irresistible offer!

I want you to visualize me driving up in front of your house in the car of your dreams. It’s the newest model with only a few hundred miles on it. It’s got all the bells and whistles and it’s the perfect color….

The sticker price is $35,000.

I get out… you come out to meet me on your front lawn. We exchange greetings… give each other a quick hug…and then I pull out the keys to your dream car, sitting right there in front of you…

I HAND the keys to you and say,
“You can have this car for only $300. tax, title and insurance included!”

What would you say?

Even if all your credit cards were maxed out,
and you had next to nothing in the bank,
I’m sure you would find a way to come up with it!


Because of the VALUE.


When people can see the VALUE far outweighs the price, and it’s exactly what they WANT, they will scramble to come up with the money even when things are tight. Always over-deliver.

Let’s take this example one step further…

If you purchase a car, it goes down in value as you drive it and put miles and wear and tear on it, right? What if the item you purchase actually created an income stream for you?

#2 You Have to Invest Money in Order to Have Something To Offer Others!


Years ago my husband and I purchased an Indian Jewelry store.

The first lesson is: We actually PURCHASED the business…

Every few months, we had an Indian Jewelry trader come in to our store and sell us jewelry he purchased directly from a few Arizona Indian reservations. This was top quality, authentic hand-made, Navajo and Zuni Indian jewelry.

If I didn’t stock up right then and there, (no matter WHEN he dropped in) I would have very little to sell for the next few months and would be able to turn very little profit!

We never held back from spending on this quality Indian jewelry because we knew it would sell and we’d make a profit! Every time I purchased and restocked my shelves, I sold a lot more!

Sometimes that means stocking physical inventory to sell; however, online, many times this means having a system to present, or selling an information product, being an affiliate, or promoting a membership site. Usually, you have to be a member or affiliate in order to promote it to others and earn income. This would be your online inventory, so to speak.

“Poor-minded people” ask “What’s it gonna cost me?” and view it as an EXPENSE.

“Rich-minded people”  ask “What’s the ROI?” and view it as a RETURN on INVESTMENT.

Marketing 101, right?

It’s a simple concept, but it’s amazing how few people understand this!
They don’t want to stock their shelves.. and invest some money!

So, bottom line, you have to have something of VALUE that people WANT and you need to OVER-DELIVER, continue giving them way more value than they expected to receive. You will create customers or business partners for life.

Here’s a third point to consider when running a business ONLINE:


#3 You Need To Have
– PEOPLE – to look at what you are offering.

Since online marketing is largely dependent on traffic… much like a brick and mortar store depends on walk in traffic…

Consider this: If I only had 2 people a day come into my jewelry store, they’d have to buy an awful lot of jewelry in order for me to stay in business!!

Online, you also need ENOUGH people to BUY from you – traffic – or you will quickly say ‘this doesn’t work!’ and you’ll go on to try the next shiny object or flavor of the week!

Instead of jumping to another program, why not try driving more Traffic into your ‘store’?


Well… even offline, we advertise! . . . So we need to advertise online! It’s easy now because all you have to do is learn how to optimize your blog with keyword research methods and show up on the first page of google. People who are typing in those words, looking for a solution or an answer, will see your post. If you want to learn how to do this, there are many courses. This is one I highly recommend.

Get this free “Business Survival Guide” first and it will lead to a webinar that teaches how to MASTER Blogging including all the keyword research.

After all, “NOT advertising is like winking in the dark:
The only one who knows you’re doing it is YOU!”

“If you don’t advertise your business, you will be
advertising going OUT of business!”

So you need to put your offer right smack dab in the middle of the people who are looking for what you have!  🙂


That’s called “Attraction Marketing”.

There are MANY marketing methods that you can use to drive traffic to your capture page. Pick one that suits your personality and master it.

We can also speed up this process, by using some tools, systems, automating and out-sourcing some of it to get better results, faster.

Once you Master one method and get good results, pick another and add it to your daily routine.

My favorite way to build my business is to connect with people one-on-one, using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.  When we work online, we simply start up conversations and find out what the other person needs and wants. If they need what we are offering, we offer the solution!

Remember: “When your mouth is closed, you’re closed for business!”

If you connect with people daily, consistently, eventually (actually quickly),
you will have a lot of traffic and it will continue to convert into sales.

#4 You Have to Have the Proper Mindset to receive money:

Many people are struggling, not even having made ONE sale online.
Why is that? . . .

Could it be their mindset? Are there beliefs that are holding them back from receiving income? Money is a TOUCHY subject to a lot of people. It is filled with emotion and PAIN.

So, first we have to get to the root of what beliefs are holding a person back…

Perhaps they were taught as a child that money is evil, that it’s dirty, or they think of the Bible teaching:
“The LOVE of money is a root of all evil.” (1 Tim. 6:10)

It’s not money itself that’s bad… It’s the improper LOVE of money that is bad – GREED, always wanting more, never being satisfied with what we have.

The Bible also says that “Money is for a protection, the same as wisdom is.” (Eccl 7:12)
Money in and of itself is not evil! We need money as much as oxygen!

Money is actually a TOOL that we can use instead of letting IT Push US around! When we HAVE money, we’re able to DO more with our lives and give more!

There are many other misconceptions that people have about money. It IS an emotional subject. But for now, whatever may be stopping you… try to erase the false beliefs that are limiting you and replace them with the following:

Serve Others - HELP People!

Serve Others – HELP People!

We need to DISCONNECT our marketing and business thoughts – from the pursuit of money. We need to totally get RID of the EMOTIONS surrounding the subject of creating and receiving income. We need to get rid of our our deep-seated feelings of the NEED for it, our lack of it, our feelings of not having enough, our struggling to pay bills, etc…

Forget about “MAKING Money”

Instead, we need to RE-FRAME IT TO THIS:


This is the KEY to your success if you are struggling with bills.

We need to be open to receiving it. We  have to have the proper mindset.
(Read T. Harv Eker’s, “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind”)

Have you every had anyone say to you:
“I don’t have the money.”

Here’s 2 ways to respond to that:

1. Would you like to change that?
2. How does that feel?… Would you like to do something about that?

Sometimes you can help someone see their limiting beliefs, and
sometimes you can’t! It’s really up to each individual to take responsibility
for the choices he/she makes.

But once they DECIDE and Take Action, the sky is the limit!

There you have it!

Your View of Money Matters!

Money is a very important subject.

We need to spend it (invest) in order to have VALUE to offer others!

It’s important to view purchases, NOT as expenses, but as investments.  The only way we can get a RETURN ON OUR INVESTMENT is to invest money!

We need to have LOTS of customers come into our “store” daily. We need to have BUYING customers daily (targeted), people who WANT what we are offering.

We need to use marketing methods to attract the quality traffic we want.

People will buy what they WANT when they see the VALUE outweighs what they are spending. . . Remember the car of your dreams for only $200?  Always over-deliver!

So, offer people what they WANT and over deliver VALUE to them and you will have tons of conversions and sales!

You must believe in yourself and what you’re offering to be successful..

More on this later. . .

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That’s all for now…. ’til next time..

Happy Marketing!





Loretta Helson
Meet Me On Facebook





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4 Responses to "Got Anything Good?"

  • Robyn Gresswell says:
    • Loretta says:
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