Focus on Momentum

What You Should REALLY Focus On? MOMENTUM!!!

What if I told you that success in this business is not about creating sales? Would that surprise you?

Think about this: Success in this business is about creating MOMENTUM. Increased sales are the RESULT of that.

The thing that causes your sales to increase, your customer base to expand and your organization to grow is the MOMENTUM you create as a result of daily, consistent action steps.


  • Every time you run an ad…
  • Every time you send out an email broadcast…
  • Every time you do a team call…
  • Every time you attend a training call…
  • Every step you take toward developing new skills…
  • Every effort you take to overcome a bad habit…
  • Every time you stay up a bit later or get to work a bit earlier…….

…. you’re adding to your MOMENTUM.

The opposite is also true.

  • Every time you decide not to attend a training call…
  • Or say, “I’ll buy those products when I’m making more money…”
  • Or give yourself permission to skip a live video stream…
  • Every time you let a disappointment get the best of you…
  • Every time you focus more on your fears than your goals…
  • Every time you let shyness or fear overcome you….

…your MOMENTUM goes into decline.

FACT: If you do enough right things, the right way with the right attitude on a consistent daily basis….your success is not only guaranteed, it’s almost AUTOMATIC.

This is a chart from “The Slight Edge”, by Jeff Olson. I highly recommend you get the book to read.  You can print this chart out at their Facebook page here.

Whether you made sales this week or not doesn’t matter.

What matters is that your MOMENTUM increases this week.

If your MOMENTUM continues to increase, then over time, your sales volume and your income will increase accordingly.

How To Establish Your MOMENTUM

When you first start your journey on the Internet, you have zero MOMENTUM.

From that point on, every thing you do will either be adding to or taking away from your MOMENTUM.

Establishing MOMENTUM involves developing an important mental muscle called discipline. If you want to succeed in any endeavor, you must begin with mastering the basics.  And mastering the basics requires a consistent, disciplined effort. That even applies to learning the skills. You must be consistent, focused… and apply what you learn.

The only way to change your life is to change the things that you do on a daily basis. Changing the things you do sporadically don’t have much effect.

The only way to become good at something is to do it every day.

The more you do it, the more proficient you will become. And the more proficient you become, the more exciting your results will be.

How quickly you get there doesn’t matter. All that matters is getting there! Remember who won the race? Yes, the turtle! The only person you should be competing with…. the only person you should be measuring yourself against, is YOU.

Your objective isn’t to become the best (not yet anyway). Your objective is to become the best YOU can be by practicing the fundamentals on a daily basis.

You’re serious about your business or you wouldn’t be reading this. So I won’t bother saying, “If you’re serious….” So, commit to doing “the thing” every day.

Get your marketing out there. Provide VALUE.
Remember to inspire, entertain, inform and promote.

Post on facebook, comment, like and share a lot – from your heart.  Tweet daily! Write in your blog every day with keywords (learn SEO) and join groups where you can all like, share and comment to raise the ranking.  Run ads. Talk to your team members.  Do some solo ads (when you have a few bucks).

Don’t just update your status and run. Don’t just drop a link and run. We are in a Relationship-building business. So interact with people.  We need to GIVE before we Receive.  Give value. Make people laugh. Have FUN with it. Inspire when you’re feeling it… Uplift people.

Will it always be easy? Depends on how you look at it.

  • Yes, you will run an ad that will bomb.
  • Yes, you will have someone say they’re getting started who fades away and you never hear from them again.

You are the only one who can pull yourself through those times.

Here’s Another Key:
Control your emotions and Control your thoughts.

“Things only have the meaning WE GIVE THEM.”

It DOES get easier the more you do things that feel uncomfortable to you in the beginning.  The more you do them, practice them, incorporate them into your daily routine, they become habits, second-nature to us! But remember: You are the only one who can do the uncomfortable until it becomes comfortable.  Your mindset and how you translate events and what people say – will determine the outcome.

What You Should REALLY Focus On? MOMENTUM!!!

“Success people are just people who are in the habit of doing what
unsuccessful people are not willing to do.”

That’s why it’s so important to make a commitment to show up every day in your business, doing the SAME things that the leaders do. Without the structure of discipline, it’s easy to let your business slip through your fingers…

Sustaining Your MOMENTUM

1. Before you can establish momentum, you need to learn new skills.

2. To establish MOMENTUM, you practice new skills.

3. To sustain that momentum, you apply your skills consistently with a DAP (Daily Action Plan). Your DAP is a personally designed system of daily activities which, when followed consistently, will lead to significant progress.

You have to have a Target in order to hit it!

Whether your DAP requires you to make one sale or ten…. or run three ads or five ads…it doesn’t matter initially. You can (and will) tweak things as you move along. But it’s important that you set a benchmark and hit your targets regularly.

The RESULTS you want –  is in repeating those steps day in and day out.

Think about anything that you’re good at. You didn’t become “good at it” overnight. (At least, not as good as you are now.) You might have had some skills that made it easier for you than others….. but you still had to “show up” to that activity every day in order to become as proficient as you are today.

Do you still type with 2 fingers, using the ‘hunt and peck’ method, or did you ever take the time to learn how to type 8 fingers and a thumb, without looking at the keyboard at all? You know when I first started typing, I had to repeat certain patterns over and over again without looking at the keyboard. What’s interesting is that after doing it for a period of time, the brain takes over and just goes to the letters you want… almost automatically, without you even thinking about it.  It was quite exciting when I first notice that happen! That’s exactly what you want to do with your business… with practice, it will switch over to autopilot and become effortless!

Another example is when I learned to drive a car. You know… you’ve been there. At first, you have to concentrate on every little detail. After practicing long enough, you do things in a routine, without even thinking about it.

Consistency is one of the major keys to success.

Advancing Your MOMENTUM

Here’s the exciting thing about MOMENTUM: Once you get it going in a positive direction by using a little discipline and then making it fun…. and once you’ve learned to keep it going by developing consistency….you don’t have to worry about how to advance your momentum. It’s automatic!

MOMENTUM is like the snowflake that becomes an avalanche. It takes time and effort to gather together enough snowflakes to make a snowball. It takes time and effort to push it and roll it UPHILL.  But, once you get to the top of the hill, one little push gets it rolling by itself and faster and faster.. As it gains momentum, there’s no stopping it!

It’ll keep rolling and rolling, growing and growing and it will knock over anyone or anything that makes the mistake of getting in its way.

It takes effort (and it may take time) to get a business up and running. But once it’s running, the only thing that can stop it is you!

So, unless YOU pull back on the throttle by not showing up…. Unless YOU put your foot on the brake by not doing your DAP…. Unless YOU push the steering wheel in the wrong direction by not following the system….your business is going to continue to grow in momentum every day, and then your income will, too. It has to.. it’s the Slight Edge Principle!

  • You won’t have to worry about how to get more people to buy. It’s automatic.
  • You won’t have to worry about how to find new and exciting leaders. It’s automatic.
  • You won’t have to worry about how to get your team excited. It’s automatic.
  • You won’t have to worry about whether you’ve got money coming in. It’s automatic.


Focus on creating and sustaining MOMENTUM. “How many sales” and “how many people” are important questions to ask. And they’re numbers that you want to watch.

But, ultimately, if you’ll focus on CREATING and SUSTAINING MOMENTUM, those numbers will take care of themselves.

Do the right things, the right way with the right mindset every day…. and your success is guaranteed!

Until next time. . .
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