Facebook Marketing


10 Tips to Advertise Effectively on Facebook


Would you like to use Facebook ads or promoted posts to reach your target market?

They are VERY effective and many people are seeing some phenomenal results!

It DOES take some fore-thought and planning. Just slapping up a photo and some text though will not give you the results you desire.

If you want to get the best results from your campaigns and see a return on your investment there are some specific things you must be doing to create effective ads!

My friend, Jo put together the 10 top tips for creating awesome and high converting ads. Please note the rules apply whether using the ads platform or running promoted posts on your wall.


Step 1-‐ Know Your Objective
Knowing the objective of your campaign will determine how you set your ad up, the copy and images you use and the markets you target.

Step 2-‐ Know Your Market
Knowing your market will ensure you are very specific with your demographics. The more specific the higher your potential click through rate will be.

Step 3 -­‐ Create a 25 Character Attention Grabbing Headline
Otherwise known as a hook, you need to capture attention and make the viewer want to read more. Hook them into your ad.

Step 4 -­‐ Write Compelling Copy in 90 Characters
It’s vital you’re congruent with the landing page you’re sending people to. Make sure the ad reflects the same message.

Step 5 -­‐ Add a 100px x 72px Attention Grabbing Image
The image serves as the interrupting and attention grabbing factor, bringing eyes over to your ad. As soon as the viewers attention has been caught, your headline and copy need to invite them to take action.

Step 6 -­‐ Choose Precise Interests & Micro-­‐target
By choosing precise interests and being very specific with your market, the higher your potential click through rate will be and the lower your cost per click.

Step 7 -­‐ Micro-­‐manage Your Ad
You’ll know very quickly whether your ad has taken off or not. Many times within the first 15-­‐30 minutes. The CTR will never go up, only down. Don’t flog a dead horse. If the ad doesn’t take off straight away, cancel it.

Step 8 -­‐ Create 10’s & 100’s of ads at a time
Never expect just one ad to perform. You may be lucky and strike gold first time out, but it’s unlikely. Those who are successful with Facebook ads, have set up 100’s of ads with many different combinations of headlines, images and copy

Step 9 -­‐ Measure your ads performance
Never set up an ad campaign unless you have tracking in place that can measure visitors, optins, sales and the key performance indicators important to your business. Advertising should always be an investment, never a cost. You will only know if this is the case by measuring.

Step 10 -­‐ Have Fun!
Be creative, think outside the box, be crazy, be dynamic, try new things. Enjoy!


Something I learned from Jonathan Budd… When you learn something new, IMPLEMENT it Immediately! So go place a facebook ad, and share your results below!



Talk soon!



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