Elusive Business Building

Elusive Business Building

I Found the 3 P’s

Spent years of searching, studying,
buying the courses, tools, DVDs, programs,
getting “burned” more than a few times . . .
dusting myself off and getting up again. . .

Always seeing the positive side of things.
There’s always an amazing lesson we learn
when we fall, if we’re alert to find it.

You know, when you struggle, that’s when you GROW…
And you are Stronger because of it!


Just as a caterpillar that spins it’s cocoon,
and struggles to be released into the world as
a beautiful butterfly…

Did you know that if you try to help it get free, it dies?

Yes! It has to do it by itself!
You cannot learn the lesson FOR it!

Just like the 3 lines with ONE SHARED WORD in the middle:
“I will Help
Build Your Business.”

“I will help you. . .
YOU build your business!”

You see, no one else can do it FOR you.
It takes a commitment. A very STRONG desire
to make your life better.

No one else has that, but you.

Yes, that’s right! You figured it out!
I’m an Entrepreneur!
It’s in my DNA and NOTHING will deter me!

Spent hundreds, no, thousands of dollars
on my education to create that residual income
that has no limits…

You know, the one that you set up ONCE and it keeps on
paying you month after month, whether you work more
or not…

The one where you can finally get away on a vacation
and come back to a BIGGER paycheck than you had
when you left…

I kept asking:
How do the top earners DO IT?
What do THEY know that I DON’T know?
How can I FIND it?

How can this phenomenon that we call
Building a SUCCESSFUL Business Online

be so elusive, so well hidden
teasing us with the HOPE of 
creating a better life –
and causing us so much pain and 

We KNOW it EXISTS, because OTHERS have found it!

Has it eluded you, like it did for me for so many years?

What do those who FIND it
finally DISCOVER to turn everything around?

An even better question is:
Does it have to take YEARS to find it
and THOUSANDS of dollars to obtain it?

Well, I have been in network marketing since the
early 90’s and online since mid 2006.

I’ve been “around the world and back again” online!


It’s been a roller-coaster ride, for sure!
Had it’s many ups and downs, twists and turns,
and sometimes even hair-raising experiences!

But I’ve learned to get off the ride and put my
feet back on SOLID GROUND!

Yes, you could say I got Grounded!

I Found The 3 P’s

In my journey, I have shaken and sifted it all down
to some very crucial Universal PRINCIPLES

Principles are Irrefutable.
They can be counted on.
You can TRUST them.

They are as dependable as Gravity and they WORK
whether you believe in them – or not!

(Step off a tall building, and you’ll see what I mean…
but that would be a very HARD lesson to learn!)

There are MANY Principles, but once you
discover them and apply them in your life
and your business – things can change RAPIDLY.

I have found that there are also PROCESSES
that EVERY top income earner had to discover
and put into place before they could achieve a level of success.

And the 3rd “P”…
Principles, Processes and Your Own POTENTIAL.

Your gifts, talents, and strengths…
that you need to bring out of the depths that you
hold on to so tightly … inside.

Yes, you may have to Struggle to become that
beautiful butterfly and delight the world!

No one else can do this FOR you.

We all need to share and GIVE what we have.
“You have to GIVE to GET!”

Zig Ziglar’s famous quote is so true:
“When you help enough other people get what
THEY want, you will get what you want!”

So you may be asking now,
What ARE these Principles that I found?
What ARE these Processes that every top earner
had to find and use?
What potential can YOU bring out of your storehouse
to share with the world?

… Stay tuned for my next blog posts!

And Remember,


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