Creating Leaders


You are at the Right Place at the Right Time!

No matter what you have done in the past, no matter how many things you have tried and abandoned (usually for a good reason), one of the very first things you will discover is that “the Failure is NOT Your Fault!” You either did not receive proper training or you are in an opportunity with incredibly long odds against success.

You either aren’t doing things right or you’re not doing them enough.


You are perfect just the way you are! You have everything that you need to succeed. You have been recommending things that you like to others since you were about 5 years old; you just weren’t getting paid for it! Now you can!

It all boils down to One Thing: Lack of Training – SKILLS!

The difference between MNU and every other program out there is that
MNU Builds People and Creates Leaders

MNU takes you by the hand and leads you one step at a time to where you want to be.

We Can Help You Create the Lifestyle You Want!

In my 30-something years of being in and around the network marketing industry, I have never seen a more comprehensive program that covers every aspect of business including, but not limited to:

  • Personal Development – Mindset
  • Business Building Skills and Training
  • Understand people better and discover what makes them tick!
  • Cutting edge attraction marketing strategies
  • Marketing and Lead Generation
  • A Recipe that just about anyone can follow to get the same results

You will learn to work on YOU first and your business will take care of itself.

“To earn more, you have to Become more.”

As we plug into the various calls and webinars, we uncover things that we never knew about ourselves. We experience our own breakthroughs along the way. Perhaps we identify things that have been stopping or hindering our progress. We uncover why we do what we do. By recognizing untrue and dis-empowering beliefs, we can work through them and get rid of things that are not serving us well and replace them with true empowering beliefs. These ah-ha moments about ourselves allow us to move forward in our lives and in our business!

There is no other company or program that I know of that offers such incredible insights and self-improvement. Experience the growth in yourself as you listen and progress toward leadership. You Can Do It – if you are Coachable and Ready.


“To earn more, you have to Become more”
You will learn how to Become A Leader!

Nobody can build a business by themselves. Period! It cannot be done. Each one of us needs a coach, a mentor, a team and a mastermind group. Others just talk about “upline support”.

When you plug in and stay close to the fire – you’ll be happier. You’ll have direction in your life and in your business.

We Attract the Right People to Us.
If YOU are Ready, Follow these first 3 Steps:

1. Fill out the Survey so I can get to know you better
2. Join MNU
3. Contact me below

Plug in.
Plug your people in.
Stay close to the fire.
Build People and they will build your business.
Become a Leader.

MNU Builds People and Creates Leaders.

Hugs, kittyhug113


Loretta Helson
HUGS: “Helping You Grow & Succeed”


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