Building Rapport and Trust Quickly

The Secret Sauce For

Building Rapport and Trust Quickly


Genuinely HELP People – How?


Build trust with others

Don’t ask them to do a lot.

Just ask for an email
In exchange for that email or
like on your page, you’ll give them
something very tangible. XYZ

You’re helping people find problems
they didn’t even know they had.

They sense something isn’t quite right
and your CONTENT helps them see
what they need.

Why don’t I have joy?
Why am I not more productive?

Oh fooey! That’s what I need!!

Match what they NEED with your HELP solve their problems.

Communicate with them often.
Share, share, share value

Build trust.
The ones who resonate with you
will follow you, and eventually
buy from you or join your biz.

Know what they want and need

Touch their emotions, their heart.
Identify the problems FOR them
so they can clearly see what they

Connect with them with EMPATHY.
Feel, understand, resonate with
exactly where the other person is.

Get into their heads. Understand them.


The more you are able to HELP them, the better your results will be.

Understand what makes people TICK!
.. What Motivates Them…
WHY they make the choices they make.

There are 4 main personality types.
But I’ll save that training for another day…

I LOVE human behavior, psychology! So, here’s a few points:

Once you find out what the other person Wants and Needs, by asking a few simple questions, you can mirror their words back to them with the solution in your response.

Try This:
Use the same words and phrases that they used.

For example, they may have confided in you that
they need XX amount of $$ before a certain date.
Perhaps they’re getting married.

They’ve never made a dime online,
despite joining many programs so they
are hesitant to join another, feeling it
may be a waste of time.

They want something that is REAL,
that will produce the money they
need in a short period of time.

First, Ask Permission to offer them advice or counsel, or you may not have a hearing ear.

Say something like,
“May I coach you on that?”
“Can I give you insight on that?

Once you get their permission,
they will ‘lean forward’, anticipating
what you will share with them.

They will respect you more for
asking their permission. It shows
that YOU respect THEM, that you
care about this conversation and
want to HELP them.

They will LISTEN intently, because
after all, it’s all about THEM!

You ask:

So how many Home BIZ things have you tried?

What do you think has been missing in
each of those experiences?


Tip: Always use their name. It makes them
feel SPECIAL. Don’t OVER-use it… Use it
when it feels right.

For example, say,

“First name, if I could show you how to make
(the amount of money they said they wanted)
(in the amount of time they said they wanted it)
following a few simple steps, DAILY and
consistently, would you like to find out how
to do it?”

“I think I can help you, First name.
Would you be willing to devote XX hours
a day if you knew you would be making
(the amount of money they said they want)
within (the time they said they wanted it)?





– Listen to what your potential business partner says to you carefully.  All the answers you require to open up the partnership will be given to you if you dig deep enough and listen carefully.


– Become a problem solver.
“People don’t care about you until they know how much YOU care.”   Give them what they want and you’ll get what you want. If they struggle with leads then become a supplier of leads.  If they struggle with vision then become a provider of vision.  Whatever the problem, model yourself first and then your products as the solution to that problem.


– Find the pain point in their life and cure it.
Remember, money is not the real reason why they are in online marketing. Find out what their dream is and then show them how to get it.


Here’s some questions you can ask to open people up quickly and take total control of a conversation with effortless ease. (You might want to print these out and hang them in front of your computer for easy reference.)


1) What’s your story if you don’t mind sharing ?

2) What was it that led you to the point of getting into marketing online ?

3) What do you feel you need to do right now to go to the next stage in your business ?

4) If you could solve any challenge in your business right now, what would it be and why ?

5) I used to struggle with that problem to however I found a way to solve it. If I could show you how to solve that problem, would you be ready to move forward in your life and business today ?

6) What is your income goal in your business for CURRENT YEAR and in what time frame are you looking to make that money ?

7) If money were no problem what would your dream day be ?

8) If you’re serious and you’re at all open about becoming a better online marketer, I’ll happily get you started.

9) What will be different tomorrow, next week or next month, that you wouldn’t be ready to take action now and reach your goals faster ?

10) What has been lacking in your business so far that’s stopped you from achieving a break through.


These questions are golden.

They will help you dig deeper to understand the other person and where they are in their life right now.
Use these if you want and get creative and make your own up, too!


Remember, the key to success is:

>>>> Connect with people DAILY <<<<


The more you connect with people, taking money out of the equation and focusing completely on the other person’s NEEDS, the better you’ll be able to HELP THEM.  The more people you help, the more you help yourself! It’s another Universal Law!

That’s all for today…

Hugs, kittyhug16

Helping U Grow and Succeed”

Loretta Helson







Loretta Helson
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