Accomplish More In Less Time

Accomplish More in Less Time

Time is one of our most precious assets. Once it’s spent, you can never get it back again.

There have been numerous articles about getting very clear about where you ARE and where you want to BE. . . and setting goals, prioritizing your activities, getting organized, and using planners are just some of the suggestions offered.

So how are you doing? Are you reaching your short term goals by a specific date, and setting new ones, creating a more fulfilling life, full of all the activities you want to do?

Are you happy with your life RIGHT NOW?

Are you going around in circles, checking your email too often, shuffling papers on your desk, doing “busy work”? We can get very distracted and unproductive doing “busy work”, feeling like we’re getting things done, but really avoiding the income-producing activities.

When I call my mentor and ask if he’s busy.. he always answers, I’m not busy, I’m productive! That’s a great mindset to have!

Would  you like to be more productive? Would you like to Move Forward, Take Action and Get the Results You Want – faster?


You Have to Have a TARGET In Order to Hit It!

1. First you have to be crystal clear on what you want to accomplish.
2. Now you have to take DAILY action.

Here’s something I learned from the book by Jeff Olson called “The Slight Edge”

“Consistent, daily actions compound over time, bringing you the desired results.”

Here’s a simple little Daily Method of Operation CHART that can help you get what you want:


Go ahead and print it out for each month of the year. Every time you do all the items on your list, fill in a box going UP. Every time you don’t complete all the items on your list, fill in a box going DOWN. You will soon see the pattern and instantly know if you need to improve.


They say it takes 21 days to form a new habit.

Actually NASA gave the astronauts goggles that turned everything up-side-down, so that they would be used to floating around with no gravity and how everything would look.

After 24 days one of the astronauts reported that everything flipped back to normal.  A few days later, all of the astronauts experienced the same thing. You see, their minds created new neural pathways to make it look right-side-up again!

Anyway, the point is, it took 24-29 days for that to happen. The same is true when you want to get into a new routine. You need to continue daily to do the same thing over and over so that you create new neural pathways to your brain and it becomes Your NEW Normal!  It becomes a HABIT, and feels comfortable. After 30 days, you will actually feel ‘out of sorts’ if you DON’T do it!


So I hope you enjoy your Gift!

Use it wisely – and let me know it helped you!

Make it a GREAT Day!

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Loretta Helson
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