5 Tips to Survive the Economy

Tony Robbins is one of my favorite mentors of all-time and he inspired me with his 5 Tips to Survive the Economy and THRIVE!

Tony Robbins - 5 Tips to survive the economyWhy? Because he gets right to the heart of the matter. Finds the problem and shows you the solution if  you just apply it in your life.

Today, as never before… the economy is up-side-down.. or should I say it is paralleling the great depression.

The interesting thing about challenges and difficulties is that it is during the TOUGHEST TIMES when we find solutions and MOVE forward. . .

We are discontent and can no longer sit and do nothing about it. So we find a way to make things better, to make things work. . . to make a difference in our lives.

There are 5 Keys that may help you to, not only survive the economy, but to THRIVE in this economy, rather than becoming a victim.

Here’s what Tony says:

1. Feed and strengthen your MIND.
When fear and uncertainty creep into your mind…
that’s what can stop you.

What you need to do is take control of your focus.
What do you focus on?

Jim Rohn said, “Every day you have to stand guard
at the door of your mind.”

If your worst enemy dropped a teaspoon of sugar into
your coffee, what would happen? You’d have sweet coffee!

What if your best friend dropped 1 drop of strychnine
into your coffee?  .. You’d be dead!

Life is BOTH sugar and strychnine and you’d better
stand guard at the door of your mind!

Things get in there – You start to believe them.. and you
start making things up. Then they start to take over your life.

What if you’re totally broke?…

READ. Yes, fill your mind with uplifting, inspiring biographies of people who turned their lives around. Read for at least an hour a day.  It will give you a NEW perspective.

Read: “As a Man Thinketh” or “Man’s Search for Meaning” where Viktor Frankl made it through the Auschwitz camps, lost everything and yet created a life of meaning.

If we are what we eat, we are what we read. These books
will feed you great nutrition for the mind.

Read about people who had life threatening health issues and how they turned their lives around.

LISTEN to audios.Great ideas have to be pursued. You have to go out after them. They will not just fall into your lap (or mind!).

2. Feed and Strengthen your BODY.

What will change your mind FAST… is a radical change in your body, your physiology, a radical shift in your physiology.

How do you do that?

Think about this: When times are really uncertain,
fear creeps in.  What is fear? It’s quite physical.
It take a hold on you when it’s really there and it’s
intense. We’ve all had that gut level fear.. that
dark night of the soul, where it feels like nothing
is gonna work…..

How do you turn it around?

You strengthen your mind… and also your BODY.
When is the last time you went on a run, and jogged,
but at the end, you pushed yourself the last 5 minutes,
or 2 minutes, where there was an intensity…

When you really push it.. and your blood is
pumping through your body… and you break through…
your body starts changing, things happen
physically and endorphins are released into the
brain, making you feel wonderful!

3. You’ve got to get a ROLE MODEL that inspires you
and shows you the way.

One of the biggest things that will change you once you’re
mentally and physically strong is you need BELIEF.

You have to have not only the sense of certainty, but
you have to have the BELIEF that there is a pathway
to get you to where you want to be.

Whatever you want to change… whether it be your body,
your mind, your emotions, your relationships, your
finances. . . You need a role model.

Who has life experience. . . a MODEL to follow.

For example, the stock market crash… Many stocks will go from $1.00 to $.01 That’s not very positive, but here’s what IS positive about it.

If you look back at past history, in the 1930’s when the market went through this huge crash in the depression or even the 1970’s, there was
a period of time – not that long afterwards – when there was BIG GROWTH!

An $8.00 stock that went down to $1.00 or eighty cents didn’t make it back to $80.00 right away. That took decades!

But a 75 cent stock would go up to $5.00 literally in a month or two or three!

It’s happened twice before. It’s the SAME pattern.
There’s a ROLE MODEL for this!

That means you would go from 75 cents to $5.00
That’s a 2000% increase! That’s a greater return
than most investors will see in their lifetime and
they make it in 2 or 3 months! You can make it back!

I’m not saying get into the stock market right NOW!
That time is coming… you just have to study it.

Look at Sir John Templeton. He just passed away recently…
He was one of the greatest investors in history.

He became a billionaire by becoming an investor
and starting out with just $10,000.

How do you do that?

He did it because he believed you make all
of your
money at times of maximum pessimism.

That was his role model.

In 1939, the depression is going on, Hitler invades
Poland and he’s in a place where all (heck) is
breaking loose, and he took his $10,000. and
invested all he could. And he bought stocks,
many of them cost $1.00 and were near bankruptcy.

But what do you think happened after the war? Things got back to normal; the seasons always come back. He became a Billionaire from those

Japan was bombed. Everything was down to dirt and in ruins… He bought things for a penny that grew and he sold them for a huge profit.

If you’re looking for a way to make your business successful today,
and you’re thinking, “How to I do this in a tight economy”….

Look around at role models. Look around for people who are still doing well.
They’re around; you just have to find them.

Look at Zappos… started out in a garage…
in this economy. They’re going to make
a Billion dollars this year, selling shoes!

If you just lost your job, your home, your
income or your nest egg, facing just
unbelievable challenges, look at other
people’s stories of victory that can
inspire you. . .

There is a guy, Nick, who has no arms
and no legs. He can’t dress himself, can’t
move, can’t feed himself… he wanted to die.

He was totally depressed.

And then one day he figured out a different
way of looking at life.  He somehow began to
strengthen his mind and body and got a
different role model of what was possible
inside of himself and NOW he inspires people
all over the world.

Little kids and adults meet him and think,
how does he even make a phone call? 🙂

(He does it using a special tool in between his toes!)

We all need role models. We need contrasts sometimes.

We need role models, not only of how to go out
and get it done and be successful, but also role
models of how to deal with our problems and our challenges.

So get a role model that will inspire you and show you the way.

4. You’ve got to get a Proven Plan and you’ve got to Take Massive Action.

Don’t even worry about a proven plan. There are lots of role models that can prove it to you. But get a plan. Do SOMETHING!

You’ve got to remember the Power of Massive Action! So often in life, people don’t begin the journey because they’re not quite sure of what to do, how to do it right, or how to do it perfect!

You want to change your body? Get yourself moving! Don’t wait for the perfect trainer! Move! Put on your shoes and move and get momentum!

Just remember: Progress = Happiness

If you can start making progress, if you can get yourself
going, even if it’s not perfect, if it doesn’t work… you
know what to do. Just change your approach.

If there’s anything that will change your life, that will get you to thrive under a difficult situation, is take some massive action. Try something else.

Change it. Try it. Move it!

5. Be persistent. Never give up on being the best you can be and having the  life you want.

You can create your own economy. You
need to take control of your life, mind, body,
actions, decisions and Live With Passion!


I hope you enjoyed these insights.
If you did, leave a comment below. 🙂


Loretta Helson


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