Think and Grow Rich – Golden Nuggets


GoldRushLet me share an interesting story with you. There are many little golden nuggets sprinkled throughout.  (No pun intended) See if you can find them all. . .

Back in the 1800’s, in the middle of the gold rush, a man named R.U. Darby traveled West with his uncle to dig and grow wealthy.

They stopped in Colorado, and Darby’s uncle staked a mining claim. Both men worked tirelessly – from sun up until sun down – using nothing but picks and shovels. The work was back-breaking; however, both were driven by a burning desire to strike it rich!

Finally after much toil and struggle, Darby and his uncle discovered what they had risked everything and traveled thousands of miles for. . .


Needing heavier machinery to bring the shiny ore to the surface, they quietly covered up their find and went back home to Maryland to tell their family and a few friends what happened. As you can imagine, everyone was thrilled to hear the news! They all pitched in to buy the necessary equipment and had it shipped back to Colorado.

As a result, the work went a lot faster and their first load of ore was mined and sent to the smelter – a factory where the metal was melted. The money made from this confirmed they had stumbled upon one of the richest gold mines in the state.

Then something horrible happened!
The gold just VANISHED!


Both men frantically continued drilling, trying to re-discover the vein that had supplied them with so much elation and hope. However, this time their work didn’t pay off. The vein had simply dried up (or so they thought).

Discouraged and disappointed, they decided to give up and quit.

Before catching the train back home his uncle sold all the expensive mining equipment to a “junk man” for only a couple hundred dollars.

This junk man was smart. He quickly hired an EXPERT, a mining engineer, to find out for sure if the vein had dried up.

After some inspection and further calculations, the engineer said the project had failed because the two men weren’t familiar with the mine’s fault lines.

He predicted the vein of gold would be found three feet from where R.U. Darby and his uncle stopped drilling!

And sure enough. . . that’s Exactly where it was discovered again!



Anyone, and I mean anyone, who sets out to achieve anything worthwhile in life will be temporarily defeated and experience failure at SOME point or another.

Unaware of how close they are to success, most people will abandon all hope and quit – right before making it big. It’s easy to get frustrated, disappointed and discouraged. That’s when you start second-guessing yourself and doubts creep in and your belief level wanes and is tested.

Who knows? Maybe you’re at this point right now. . .Toomanybills

Maybe it seems like this dream of firing your boss, working from home (or anywhere else you want) and calling your own shots is something that only works for other people – – not you.

Maybe you’re suffering from a severe case of “information overload”, or even worse, “paralysis by analysis”, and can’t seem to understand this internet marketing stuff no matter how hard you try.

Maybe you just spent the past six months and a couple thousand dollars developing a website or blog that hasn’t produced a single lead or sale for your home-based business.

Whatever the case, I want you to remember this:

FIVE HUNDRED of the wealthiest people in America told Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich” that

“Their GREATEST SUCCESS came just ONE STEP BEYOND the point at which DEFEAT had overtaken them.”

So they had to push PAST  the point of Defeat.
Think about that!

How strong is your desire? Is it BURNING HOT, unstoppable?

Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before finally inventing a fireless lamp. (Can you imagine that?)

Walt Disney went bankrupt and was fired by a newspaper editor for “lacking imagination and good ideas” before he built Disneyland.

Michael Jordan was cut by his high school basketball coach before leading his college and professional teams to 7 championships.

Ludwig Van Beethoven was born deaf yet he wrote 9 symphonies and remains one of the most influential composers of our times.

So, any time I experience what appears to be a major setback, or my goals start to seem out of reach, I always come back to Napoleon’s book and remind myself of this:

“FAILURES” and “SETBACKS” are NOT Actually Failures . . . they are simply necessary steps in the PROCESS of figuring out what works and what doesn’t.

Here’s a few nuggets I picked up:

goldnuggets 1. First, I noticed that they didn’t just have a pie in the sky dream. . . They both had a BURNING DESIRE and took action immediately to go find the gold. They believed GOLD was out there, just waiting to be discovered.

2. Did you notice that they started off using just picks and shovels?  They really needed heavier equipment once they got serious and KNEW for a FACT that the GOLD WAS THERE! We all need tools to get the “heavy lifting’ done! The internet makes that easy to acquire now!

3. Even though they didn’t have the money required to get the equipment needed, they found a way.

4. Their BELIEF level was so high that they got others to believe THEIR DREAM and to join them on their venture.  No one can have success all by themselves. It takes a TEAM.

5. They went back, but they didn’t have any PLAN. They just kept digging aimlessly, without direction or guidance.

6. When that failed, instead of figuring out a better plan, they just got frustrated, disappointed, defeated, discouraged and finally QUIT!

7. The “junk man” in the story made millions of dollars because he got a DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE on the situation by seeking the ADVICE of an EXPERT.

snowballuphillInstead of struggling all by yourself, trying to get more traffic, leads, conversions, customers, reps and sales… and perhaps winding up frustrated, disappointed, defeated, discouraged and maybe even finally QUITTING .. just 3 feet from the GOLD,

Why not hire MANY experts in the field who have already achieved what you want? How much easier might it become if you seek out the advice of experts who have the knowledge of what it takes to get what you want?

They have already found the ‘mother lode’ and can lead you to your GOLDMINE! Experienced Guides are just waiting to help you!

Start Your Journey Here


.. ’til next time . . .








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